ImportantOur appointment system will not be available today, 1 - 4pm. This will affect bookings for customer appointments, education lets and recycling centre. 

Visiting Forces Accommodation

Qualifying criteria

You qualify for this exemption if you are:

  • a member of a visiting force with one of the eligible countries listed below
  • not a British citizen
  • not ordinarily resident in the UK

Your partner will also qualify if they are not a British citizen or ordinarily resident in the UK.

Eligible Countries

Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belgium; Belize; Botswana; Brunei; Canada; Cyprus; Denmark; Dominica; Fiji; France; Gambia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Granada; Guyana; India; Italy; Jamaica; Kenya; Kiribati; Lesotho; Luxembourg; Malawi; Maldives; Malaysia; Malta; Mauritius; Nauru; Netherlands; New Hebrides; New Zealand; Nigeria; Norway; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Portugal; St Lucia; St Vincent and Grenadines; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Spain; Sri Lanka; St Christopher and Nevis; Swaziland; Tanzania; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Turkey; Tuvalu; Uganda; USA; Western Samoa; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

How to apply

You can apply for this exemption by writing to us including details of your name and address and an official document showing that you are a member of a visiting force.

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