Apply for a School ELC/Nursery place

School ELC/Nursery place 2025/2026

Online applications for Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) places, from August 2025, at Local Authority settings, will be open from 19th February 2025 All applications made between 19th February and 7th March will be classed as “on time”. Applications are assessed according to criteria and are not prioritised by the date they are received. Applications made after 7th March will be "late" and parents / carers will not receive the outcome of their application until June 2025.


The Early Learning and Childcare Admissions Policy gives clear guidance to staff and parents/carers on the admissions process and procedures for local authority early learning and childcare (ELC) settings.

The Policy was approved by Committee in 2019 and is updated annually. 


Early Learning and Childcare Application Process 2024

Parents/carers can apply for a Local Authority school Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)/Nursery place online. The application period is from 30 January 2024 to 14 February 2024. 

Before you apply please read the ‘Early Learning and Childcare Guide: 1140 Hours 2024 -2025’ guide below. 

Parents/carers whose child does not have a place in the current session (August 2023 - July 2024) will need to apply using the online form. 

Parents/carers with a child/children continuing at their local authority school Early Learning and Childcare (ELC)/Nursery setting (continuers) do not need to reapply. ELC/nursery staff will contact parents/carers whose children are eligible to continue to discuss which sessions are required.   

How to apply

To apply for a funded ELC place in a Local Authority ELC/Nursery setting, parents/carers must complete the online application during the application period.

Your data: Early Learning and Childcare Application

How to create an online account

A guide to completing the ELC/Nursery Place applications

This process is for local authority school ELC/Nursery applications only. 

If you would like your child to attend a funded provider ELC setting (childminder, playgroup or private nursery) applications should be made directly to that provider. 

When applying online for a place in a Local Authority school ELC/Nursery setting you will need to provide evidence of your child’s date of birth (for example their birth certificate or passport) and evidence of where you live. This can be uploaded onto the online form when you apply. We will accept photographs of documents as long as we can see the whole document clearly. 

When to apply

From the 30 January 2024, parents/carers will be able to access the online form from the Aberdeen City Council website. The application period is from the 30 January to 14 February 2024.

Please be aware that the application window closes from 15 February until 31 March 2024. You will not be able to make an application during this time. 

Parents/carers only need to apply for children who do not have a current place at a Local Authority ELC/Nursery setting. 

Applying for a place – what you need to know

Before you apply for an ELC/Nursery place at a local authority school please note the following:


Parents whose child/children are eligible for another year in ELC/Nursery do not need to apply online if they wish to remain in the same setting. School staff will contact current parents to discuss which sessions are required/available.    

If a parent wishes to change the school ELC/Nursery setting their child is attending in their pre-school year then they are no longer classed as a ‘continuer’ and a new online application must be made.  

In this instance, parents are advised to choose a session at their current school ELC/Nursery setting to ensure their child receives a place should we be unable to offer a place listed in your application form. 

Blended Placements

Aberdeen City Council want to deliver ELC that is flexible and offers choice to families. Parents/carers will have the choice and flexibility to split their funded hours between up to two different settings (including a childminder). This is referred to as a blended model.

The online form will allow you to indicate if you wish to use a blended place.

Deferred entry

 Children whose fifth birthday falls between 19 August 2024 and the end of February 2025 will be automatically entitled to an additional year of funded ELC.  No application for deferral will be necessary, however, we will gather data which may be shared with the Scottish Government.  

Parents of children born on or between 1 March 2019 and the school commencement date, 18 August 2019, are not entitled to defer their child's start at primary school as the child has reached school age. However, there may be exceptional circumstances where a further year in early learning and childcare would be more appropriate than providing the child with education in primary school. In these cases, the ELC/Nursery staff should discuss options with the family and contact the Early Years Team for further guidance. 

ELC options:

Our ELC guide outlines any Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and all models. 

The ELC guide will be uploaded by Monday 29 January 2024 outlining any FAQs and all models available. 

Outdoor Nurseries

Aberdeen City Council has outdoor nurseries at Duthie Park and Hazlehead. 

Both have an outdoor focus in their education and provision, but each offer unique and varied experiences for children, families, staff and wider communities. 

For an insight into the world of an outdoor nursery through the eyes and experiences of children and families, please see the information poster and video links below:

Outdoor ELC for children; what do children think of their outdoor nursery? 
Outdoor ELC for parents; why do parents choose an outdoor nursery experience for their child?

For more information on outdoor ELC please contact the Outdoor Nurseries team: 

Gaelic Medium Education

Gaelic Medium Education is free, Council run bilingual education option. 

Gaelic medium education  in ELC/Nursery, Sgoil-Araich, is an option at Gilcomstoun School / Bun-sgoil Gilcomstoun.

You do not have to be a Gaelic Speaker to send your child to Gaelic medium education. 

More information can be found on  Gilcomstoun School Sgoil Gilcomstoun or please contact

If you wish to apply for an ELC/Nursery place please complete the online application form. 

Early Learning and Childcare in Aberdeen 

Aberdeen City Council is committed to offering high quality ELC to all three and four year olds and eligible two year olds. Early Learning and Childcare is about learning and development through play, exploring and most importantly – having fun!

Where can I access ELC hours?

Any provider who meets the new National Standard and who has a contract with Aberdeen City Council can offer funded hours.  Hours can be offered at:

  • Local Authority ELC/Nursery Settings
  • Private ELC/Nursery Settings
  • Childminders
  • Playgroups
  • Gaelic Provision
  • Outdoor Provision

Your child may be able to access:

  • Full days
  • Part days
  • Term time
  • Up to 50 weeks per year (depending on which provider you choose)
  • Split placements or a combination of more than one provider (for example a private nursery and childminder)

When does my child become entitled to Early Learning and Childcare? 

Early Learning and Childcare for 3 and 4 year olds

Your child is eligible for an ELC place if his/her birthday is between the following dates:

1 March 2021 to 28 February 2022 – Ante-Pre-School Year

1 March 2020 to 28 February 2021 – Pre-school Year

Children are entitled to an ELC place in the school term following their third birthday. Children in their immediate pre-school year are entitled to a whole year of ELC. 

Children who are turning 3 are entitled to an ELC place for the following number of terms if their birthday falls within the following dates:

Child’s Date of Birth
ELC Entitlement
 1 March 2021 to 31 August 2021
Three terms
From Term 1 August to December
1 September 2021 to 31 Dec 2021
Two terms
From Term 2 January to March
1 Jan 2022 to 28 Feb 2022
One term
From Term 3 April to July

Early Learning and Childcare for 2-year olds

Eligible 2-year-old children are entitled to up to 1140 hours of funded ELC. This is from the term after their 2nd birthday until the term after their third birthday when they are entitled to universal ELC.

Children age 2 are eligible for 1140 hours if their family is in receipt of one of the following benefits and allowances:

  • Income support
  • Job Seekers Allowance (income based)
  • Any income related element of Employment and Support Allowance
  • Incapacity or Severe Disablement Allowance
  • State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (CTC), but not Working Tax Credit and your income of £18,725 or less
  • Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit and an income of £8,717 a year or less 
  • Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit with household take-home pay of £726 a month or less 

Or if the child is age 2 or over and is or, since they turned 2 has been (in terms of legal status):

  • Looked After by a local council
  • The subject of a Kinship Care Order; or
  • The subject of a Guardianship Order; or
  • Has a care experienced parent. 

Early Learning and Childcare for Children with Additional Support Needs (ASN) 

For more information please consult page 12 of the ELC Admissions Policy 2024-25 below. 

How to apply for an early learning and childcare place

Local Authority Nurseries

Children already attending a Local Authority ELC/Nursery place 

Parents whose child/children are eligible for another year in ELC/Nursery do not need to apply online if they wish to remain in the same setting. School staff will contact current parents to discuss which sessions are required/available. 

If a parent wishes to change the school ELC/Nursery setting their child is attending in their pre-school year, then they are no longer classed as a 'continuer' and a new online application must be made. 

In this instance, we would advise parents to choose a session at their current school ELC/Nursery setting to ensure their child receives a place should we be unable to offer a place listed in your application form. 

Children who are not currently attending a Local Authority ELC/Nursery Setting 

To apply for a funded place in a Local Authority ELC/Nursery setting, parents/carers must complete an online application, which will go live on Monday 29 January 2024.  

This application process is for local authority school ELC/Nursery applications only. 

When applying online for a place in a Local Authority school ELC/Nursery setting you will need to provide us with evidence of your child’s birth certificate and evidence of where you live. This can be uploaded onto the online form when you apply. We will accept photographs of documents as long as we can see the whole document clearly. 

If you wish your child to attend a funded provider (childminder, playgroup or private nursery) application should be made directly to that provider. 

Funded providers

Applications for a place in a Funded Provider ELC setting can be made directly to your chosen provider. 

Funded Providers are private nurseries, playgroups and registered childminders, who are in partnership with the local authority, to deliver the expanded funded hours. 

Contact your chosen Funded Provider to discuss if places are available. Each setting will offer a different model of provision and we encourage all parents/carers to check with their providers and look at the options in their area.

Details of all funded ELC settings, who are registered with Aberdeen City Council to provide ELC, can be found at the back of the ELC guide.

All Funded Providers meet the National Standard and deliver high quality learning and childcare. 

The Family Information Service website contains comprehensive and up to date information of all ELC Providers: childminders, private nursery settings and playgroups. 

Blended Hours 

Parents/carers also have the choice and flexibility to split their funded hours between up to two different ELC settings (including a childminder). This is referred to as a blended model. If you want to split your child's funded hours please check with your preferred provider at the time of application to ensure they can accommodate you. 

You can split your hours between a Local Authority ELC/Nursery setting and a Funded Provider or Funded Childminder.

It is your responsibility to find a Funded Provider or Childminder and agree a place with them.  

Please be aware that any hours taken at a Local Authority setting will be deducted from your entitlement at a Funded Provider or Childminder.  To access a list of Childminders please email 

Some of our Local Authority ELC settings will continue to offer 600 hours. If you wish to attend any of these settings and access your funded hours, you have the option to do a blended provision (as described above).  

Please indicate on your application form how you wish to split your funded hours. 


If you need more information, please contact the Early Years Team on 01224 764654 or email:

Frequently Asked Questions

For further information please visit: Frequently Asked Questions: Apply for a nursery school place 2024/25


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