RAAC concrete and schools

Various concerns have been raised about the use of a type of concrete in the construction of schools and other public buildings known as RAAC (reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete).  RAAC is a lightweight material which was used mostly in flat roofing between the 1950s and 1990s.

Aberdeen City Council has been aware of concerns about the use of this product and has previously completed a range of surveys and inspections of buildings to assess whether these buildings have this material present. This work has identified several properties which have RAAC within their construction. These are:

  1. Hazlehead Academy
  2. Northfield Academy
  3. Hazlehead swimming pool (closed)
  4. Town House extension.

The parents/guardians in affected schools have been informed, and have also been reassured the buildings' inspections have shown they remain safe for use. Communications have been issued as relevant information became available. Risk assessments are in place and procedures for managing the presence of RAAC have been finalised. 

The presence of RAAC was previously identified at Quarryhill, Abbotswell, Westpark and Cornhill schools. The initial assessments carried out were based on guidance available at that time. Those assessments carried out by structural engineers strongly indicated that RAAC was present. However, more detailed inspections have since taken place and these have revealed that RAAC is not present. 

Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) is a lightweight concrete construction material that was used in the construction of some public buildings like schools and hospitals between the 1950s and 1990s. It was used mostly in flat roofing, but also in some pitched roofs, floors and walls.

It was quicker to produce, easier to install, and cheaper than standard concrete. Despite its name, it is very different to traditional concrete although it looks similar. It is aerated, or ‘bubbly’, and is therefore less durable than traditional concrete.

RAAC can be susceptible to failure when exposed to moisture. The ‘bubbles’ can allow water to enter the material. This moisture can also cause decay in any reinforcement steel (known as rebar) present in the material. Unexpected collapses due to construction defects can occur in exceptional and very rare circumstances. 

In February 2022, a report was published by the Institute of Structural Engineers RAAC Group following an incident in England in 2018 and an initial safety alert in 2019. Guidance was published by the group in April 2023.

The initial assessments carried out were based on guidance available at that time. Those assessments carried out by structural engineers strongly indicated that RAAC was present in Quarryhill, Abbotswell, Westpark and Cornhill schools. More detailed inspections have now taken place which have releaved that RAAC is not present. 

Following publication of the guidance, the Council undertook an initial assessment of all council-owned buildings and developed a survey programme for buildings which could potentially contain RAAC.  The review made use of photographs, building plans, construction dates, and local on-site knowledge to identify several properties that may contain RAAC.  Engineering inspections were than undertaken on these properties. A second set of more detailed surveys have been completed and Structural Engineers provided recommendations for safely managing the presence of RAAC. This includes inspection and assessment on a regular basis. 

Assessments were carried out using available property data to identify a shortlist of buildings that could potentially contain RAAC. Assessment by Structural Engineers were then carried out only on the buildings on that list. 

There are no current plans to close any buildings. However, the Council will take steps to ensure the safety of building users should any concerns about the RAAC be identified in the future.  


Minor remedial work was carried out at Hazlehead Academy and some temporary protective measures were put in place at St Machar Academy. In addition, remedial work at the Town House was undertaken at one location within a top storey office space. Independent Structural Engineers are satisfied that no further remedial actions are required in any of the buildings at this time. 

There are no current plans to close any buildings. However, the Council will take steps to ensure the safety of building users should the condition of the RAAC panels be identified as a concern in the future. 

The wellbeing and safety of our school pupils remains our upmost priority. 

There are no indications that schools will have to close for work to be undertaken. If we do have to temporarily close schools, we will make arrangements for pupils in the affected schools and would contact parents and guardians as soon as arrangements are finalised. All schools have business continuity plans in place to deal with closure scenarios. 

Structural inspections have not identified any immediate requirement to replace the RAAC in any of the buildings. 

There is funding in place to replace Hazlehead Academy and the RAAC will be removed as part of the demolition of the existing buildings. 

A previously scheduled roof replacement project at St Machar Academy will now include the removal of the very small number of RAAC panels identified at the school. Although the replacement of those panels are not an immediate requirement, it is an appropriate time to do so given the panels will be accessible during the replacement work. The work will be programmed to be carried out during the 2024 summer holidays to minimise disruption. Where work extends beyond the summer holidays this will be fully planned for in consultation with the school. The removal of the panels will be carried out in line with the Structural Engineer’s recommendations and will be risk assessed and monitored to ensure they are removed safely.

The future of the remaining buildings will be considered as part of an ongoing review of the Council’s assets.  


Education Service officers are available to offer help, support and advice to parents and carers of children and young people who may need to move school when moving to a new home.  We can help identify what provision is available near your new home, provide support in making contact with schools and assist with applying for a school place.

For help with moving to a new school please email:


Please provide your name and contact details, including a telephone number you may be contacted on.  It would be helpful if you can also provide your new address and the names and dates of birth of your children, along with their current school.

We can also be contacted by telephoning 07879 112975

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