Gaelic in the community/Gàidhlig anns a’ Choimhearsnachd

Aberdeen has a number of Gaelic groups and Gaelic events.

Club Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain – Am Baile agus an Sgìre
Aberdeen Gaelic Club – The City and Shire

Feasgar cofaidh gach mìos, tachartasan Gàidhlig, clasaichean oidhche agus cùrsaichean làitheil Gàidhlig airson inbhich.

Monthly coffee afternoons, Gaelic events and community Gaelic night classes and day courses. Download the document below for more information about the classes: 

See the Aberdeen Gaelic Club website 
See the Club Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain Facebook page

Coisir Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain
Aberdeen Gaelic Choir

Tha Coisir Obar Dheathainn a’ tighinn ri chèile gach Dimàirt agus cuiridh iad fàilte air luchd fileanta agus luchd ionnsachaidh na Gàidhlig.

The choir meets every Tuesday and welcomes Gaelic speakers and non-Gaelic speakers.

See the Aberdeen Gaelic Choir website
See the Aberdeen Gaelic Choir Facebook page

Fèis Obar Dheathain
Aberdeen Fèis

Tachartasan ciùil agus ealain do chloinn agus Inbhich.

Gaelic music and arts events for children and adults.

See the Fèis Obar Dheathain Facebook page or the Fèis Obar Dheathain Twitter page.


Buidheann Gàidhlig airson clann P1 gu P7.

Gaelic Children’s Club for children in P1 to P7. Sradagan meets during term time on a Thursday evening.

See the Sradagan Obar Dheathain Facebook page.

Pàrant is Pàiste Obar Dheathain
Aberdeen Gaelic Parent and Child Group

Seiseanan Pàrant agus Pàiste airson aois 0-5.

Gaelic parent and child group for ages 0-5. No Gaelic required, come and learn along with your child on a Wednesday and Friday morning.

See the Parant is Paiste Obar Dheathain Facebook page.

Comunn nam Pàrant Obar Dheathain
Aberdeen Gaelic Medium Education Parents’ Group

Buidheann taic airson pàrantan aig a bheil clann ann an foghlam tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig ann an Obar Dheathain.

A support group for parents whose children attend Gaelic medium education in Aberdeen.

See the Aberdeen Gaelic Club website 
See the Club Gàidhlig Obar Dheathain Facebook page

Oilthigh Obar Dheathain: Roinn na Gàidhlig
University of Aberdeen: Gaelic Department

See the Gaelic Studies website.
See the University of Aberdeen Gaelic Facebook page

Oilthigh Obar Dheathain: An Comunn Cèiltich
University of Aberdeen: The Celtic Society

See the Celtic Society website.

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