Climate change

The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 places duties on the public sector to:

  • Reduce green house gas emissions.
  • Put in place measures to adapt to a changing climate.
  • Work in a sustainable way.

Information on Scotland’s emission reduction targets.

What are we doing to tackle climate change?


In March 2021, the Council Climate Change Plan 2021-25: Towards a Net Zero and Climate Resilient Council was approved. The Plan set out the approach, pathway and actions towards net zero and climate resilient Council assets and operations, by 2045.

Council Climate Change Plan 2021-2025: Towards a Net Zero and Climate Resilient Council 

Council Climate Change Project Register 2021-2025: Towards a Net Zero and Climate Resilient Council 

To find out more contact 

City - reducing emissions

  • A Net Zero Vision for Aberdeen was approved in 2020.
  • The Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and 6 enabling strategies (Mobility, Buildings and Heat, Circular Economy, Energy Supply, Natural Environment and Empowerment) were approved in 2022, setting a pathway towards the city of Aberdeen achieving net zero emissionsNet Zero Aberdeen Website
  • For more information contact: 

City - adapting to climate change 

  • Aberdeen Adapts: a Climate Adaptation Framework was developed collaboratively with input from 41 organisations; and with support from Adaptation Scotland and the University of Aberdeen to build resilience to climate change.
  • Originally approved in 2019, it was refreshed in February 2022. The Aberdeen Adapts: Climate Adaptation Framework 2022 aligns with the Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap.
  • For more information contact: 

Climate change reporting

The Climate Change (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) (Scotland) Order 2015 places a requirement on some public bodies in Scotland to complete an annual Climate Change Report. 

This is to show progress with meeting Public Bodies Duties under Part 4 of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. This reporting responsibility consolidates public sector voluntary climate change reporting and for local authorities, this replaces previous reporting on progress under the Scottish Climate Change Declaration.

Previous Climate Change Reports are available on the Sustainable Scotland website

Signed Commitments 

Climate Emergency Declaration

In March 2023, Aberdeen City Council added its voice to the growing number of local authorities around the world to have responded to the global climate change and nature loss crises by declaring a climate and nature emergency. Details of the declaration are available in the minutes of the full Council meeting of 22 February 2023 (see item 18).

United Nations Race to Zero Campaign

In October 2021, Aberdeen City Council became a formal signatory to the United Nations Race To Zero Campaign pledging to recognise the global climate emergency and commit to inclusive climate action. 

Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration 

In October 2021, Aberdeen City Council became a formal signatory to the Glasgow Food and Climate Declaration. Find out more about sustainable food

Paris Agreement

In October 2021, Aberdeen City Council became a formal signatory to the Paris Agreement, symbolising support to substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, to limit the global temperature increase in this century to 1.5 degrees celsius.

World Energy Cities Partnership: Calgary Climate Change Accord

In October 2009, the Lord Provost signed the World Energy Cities Climate Change Accord. The document was also signed by mayors of energy cities - Calgary, Stavanger and Houston.

The World Energy Cities Partnership (WECP) connects leading energy cities on all continents that are committed to fostering the transition to a more sustainable energy future.

WECP cities are home to many of the world’s largest energy companies which are leading initiatives to build a lower-carbon energy future, developing the full range of energy sources to power the world today and into tomorrow.

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