If you are a council tenant, please report any issues with damp to the Housing Repairs team and an inspector will attend within three working days to assess the problem.
You can use the online form to report the following public health issues:
- Dampness
- Water penetration
- Dirty house
Damp can occur in a property for a variety of reasons, for example:
- Penetrating damp occurs when moisture penetrates through external walls, window or roof and is usually caused by a building defect or disrepair.
- Condensation generally happens when a property can’t deal with normal levels of water vapour because of a lack of insulation, ventilation or heating, or a combination of all of these things.
You can find a leaflet on how to reduce condensation in Related Documents at the foot of this page.
Water Penetration
Water penetration is usually caused by defective plumbing, or kitchen or bathroom appliances causing moisture to leak from one property into another.
Dirty House
The Environmental Health service will investigate complaints concerning offensive odours or other unhygienic living conditions within a neighbouring private residential property that are having an impact on other residents in a building.
If you are not a Council tenant you can report issues with dampness, water penetration or a dirty house to the Environmental Health service and an officer will investigate within five working days.