ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Advice and information for empty home owners

Long-term empty properties can have a damaging effect on the local community and economy. We are looking to increase the supply of housing for local people. So, if you have a property which is empty because it needs work to bring it up to standard, you might benefit from the Council's Empty Homes Initiative. 

An empty home is a property which has been unoccupied for 12 months or more. It is not a second home or holiday home. There are over 2,000 empty homes across Aberdeen City.

Vacant homes in Aberdeen City qualify for a Council Tax discount of 10% for the first 12 months. If the property remains unoccupied and furnished beyond 12 months, the discount will end, and a 100% additional Council Tax charge will apply. 

Empty homes can be a magnet for anti-social behaviour, crime, vandalism, arson and fly-tipping. Houses left unoccupied can fall into disrepair quite quickly, become a blight on the neighbourhood and have an adverse effect on the neighbourhood. 



Why properties are left empty

A lot of properties are empty for legitimate reasons, and we appreciate that renovations and sales take time. 

Our focus is on advice and support for owners of empty properties. We can provide information about the range of options available to help owners select the solution that is right for them. We also look at what can be done about problematic properties, and those where the owner has no intention of returning a property to use.

Benefits of bringing properties back into use

  •  Increases available housing for local people.
  •  Community regeneration - improves community wellbeing and pride.
  •  Discourages anti-social behaviour/crime and helps other residents to feel safe.
  •  Provides rental income to owners.
  • Restores confidence in local property market

Reporting an empty home

If you think that a property has been empty for 12 months or more, or are an owner of an empty property and would like some assistance with bringing it back into use, please contact us. 

Buy-back scheme

Aberdeen City Council will, under certain circumstances, buy back ex-council properties sold under the Right to Buy legislation if they meet certain criteria. Each property is judged on an individual case by case basis. 

If you are interested in taking part in the scheme please visit buy back scheme for more information. 

The matchmaking service

The Aberdeen City Council matchmaker scheme aims to introduce long-term empty home owners who are looking to sell or rent their property with people who are looking to purchase or rent a property.

Support for Ukrainian Refugees

To read more on how you can support the housing needs for Ukrainians, please click the link and click on the Housing tab further down the page. You can also email for more information.

Contact details 

Empty Homes Officer

01224 053052



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