Our Missing Shares Service is available to assist a majority of flat owners to carry out common repairs when the other responsible owners are unable or unwilling to pay their share of repair costs (common areas of a tenement or block of flats only). Non-payment or lack of co-operation can hold up much needed repairs. Depending on the circumstances, the Council can choose to pay a missing share on behalf of an owner and recover the contribution. This means that owners can then proceed with getting much needed repairs carried out to keep their property in a good state of repair.
It is important that owners can show that they have followed the correct set of procedures
before the Council will consider their application. Please note that the application must be made before works commence – The Council can not give consideration to any application if works have already begun.
Owners will need to show that:
- The maintenance being carried out is reasonable
- A valid Scheme Decision has been taken in terms of the title deeds or Tenement (Scotland) Act 2004, as applicable, and that a majority of consenting owners agree to the works
- The result of the Scheme Decision taken has been notified to all owners and that any appeal periods have been observed.
- Each owner is being asked to pay their correct share of the costs
- Written notice requesting payment has been provided to each owner, where they are traceable
- A ‘maintenance account’ has been opened, that is, a bank account set up to hold owners’ funds which is used to pay for any common repair and maintenance costs. The maintenance account should be interest bearing. The account should be set up by either the property manager (property factor) or at least two other people to authorise transactions on behalf of the other owners. The account provided to you through the Novoville Shared Repairs app can be used for the purposes of gathering funds from owners and receiving a missing share from the council.
- A person has been nominated (once the maintenance account is open) to write to all owners, advising them that they have to deposit their share of the cost of work into the maintenance account. This process is referred to as serving a section 50 notice (s50). See more information for other owners below.
- An owner hasn’t paid their share of repair costs into the maintenance account by the final date for making payment (a copy of the bank account or a screenshot of the account (Novoville) is acceptable).