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Countryside Ranger Service

The Countryside Ranger Service works for a biodiverse, best value and socially inclusive future for all the city's countryside resources. We work in partnership to offer quality environmental education and recreational opportunities for all. We:

Outdoor education

We can facilitate outdoor learning sessions for your class or group on a wide range of topics, helping to learn about your local environment, biodiversity and conservation. We’ll lead environmental educational visits to any of our countryside sites.

Popular subjects include pond dipping, minibeast hunts, shelter building and tree study, however we will consider all suggestions and aim to tailor the session to your requirements. We also help facilitate the John Muir Award, Duke of Edinburgh activities, Forest School and the Junior Rangers programe, as well as fieldwork for any age group.

Ranger-led activities are free of charge for school groups doing curriculum based studies or conservation activities. There is a charge for other activities, please contact us for more details.

Events and volunteer opportunities

You can find out about our events and volunteering days on Eventbrite and our Facebook page.

Contact details

If you have an enquiry, please contact the Countryside Ranger Service on the telephone number or email address provided below.

Aberdeen City Council Countryside Ranger Service
Groats Road Pavilion
Groats Road
AB15 8BE

01224 067484


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