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Arts Across Learning Festival

Creative Learning are currently progressing the Arts Across learning Festival for 2020, a celebration and exploration of the arts and their value to learning and teaching. The festival brings a stimulating wealth of learning experiences to spark imagination and enthusiasm for learning to nursery and primary pupils and their teachers for free!

This year’s Arts Across Learning Festival will take place from 24 February to 6 March 2020. Download the festival brochure to see what was on offer:

Through a range of art forms, the festival will present alternative and engaging approaches to inter-disciplinary learning. This helps enable children to deepen their learning, express themselves, recognise their own abilities and share their learning with their peers and parents. Festival learning opportunities are delivered by experienced artists, companies and educators who work with Creative Learning to ensure that activities are designed to meet festival learning outcomes.

Ahead of launching this year’s Arts Across Learning Festival, Creative Learning are delighted to share the impacts from the Arts Across Learning Festival 2019.

The Arts Across Learning Festival continues to inspire learning and teaching, focusing on creative thinking and doing.  The festival promotes imagination, curiosity, open-mindedness and problem solving and encourages children to develop and recognise their skills across these areas. This report indicates the impact the festival has on children and teaching and includes case studies giving a flavour of festival activity across pupil engagement, local partnerships and resources and working with local arts providers.

The festival programme would not be as varied and interesting without the participation of the many artists and companies from both Aberdeen and further afield. Partnership working across services and sectors helps make the programme what it is – and continues to see the festival go from strength to strength.

The Arts Across Learning festival 2020 outcomes

  • Enhance children’s learning experiences across the curriculum, through creative approaches, cultural participation and partnerships
  • Give children the chance to express themselves, test and apply creativity skills and share their work with others.
  • Improve children’s ability to recognise and articulate their own skills and potential, through innovative arts and creative learning experiences.
  • Demonstrate Aberdeen is a city without creative barriers where children and schools can experiment with and be transformed by the arts, creativity and culture.
  • Provide a creative space to allow pupils to shape their own learning, demonstrating individuality and uniqueness. The festival has 2 themes.
  • Health, wellbeing and engagement in learning; promoting self-esteem, inclusion and eagerness to take part and learn.
  • Development of employability and creativity skills; recognising and progressing the skills that are valuable to learning and the future workplace, not matter what age you are.

Festival intentions and outcomes have been developed in response to the National Improvement Framework, Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan and informed by the ongoing Creative Learning team work with city schools

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