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Antisocial behaviour

Antisocial behaviour is when people act in a way that causes alarm or distress to others. Aberdeen City Council takes antisocial behaviour and the impact it can have on those affected, very seriously.

Reporting antisocial behaviour

If there is an immediate threat of violence towards you or someone else or, if you believe someone is a danger to themselves or, if you have immediate concerns for the welfare of a child, please and call 999.

You can report drug dealing to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. 

You can reporting a crime (non-emergency) Police Scotland on 101.

There are online reporting forms for:

If you are having problems with your neighbours or others living near you, please call the Community Safety team to discuss:

  • Threatening and aggressive behaviour
  • Excessive noise
  • Disputes 

If you rent your home you should report problems with neighbours to your landlord. Council tenants should contact their Housing and Support Officer in the first instance. This can be done online via our housing portal via Housing Online or telephone

Alternatively, if you wish to discuss an issue with a neighbour you can contact the Community Safety Team on 0800 05 10 434, 9am - 10pm, Monday - Thursday or 9am - 1am, Friday - Sunday. 

If you are experiencing antisocial behaviour related problems with an Aberdeen City Council tenant, you can call the housing service.

When you are reporting antisocial behaviour it would be helpful to know:

  • your name, address and phone number (you can remain anonymous)
  • where the problem is happening
  • the name of the person causing the problem (if non known)
  • details of what is happening, including dates and times.

Domestic noise

If you are having ongoing problems with domestic noise, please report this to our Community Safety team. If you are a Council tenant wishing to report domestic noise, please contact your Housing and Support Officer. 


You can call the Community Safety team on 0800 05 10 434 during the following hours:

  • Monday – Thursday, 9am – 10pm
  • Friday – Sunday, 9am – 1am

If you are experiencing antisocial behaviour outwith these hours you can email CST@aberdeencity.gov.uk and an officer will get in touch with you as soon as possible. 

You can also report antisocial behaviour to Police Scotland if it requires immediate action.

Noise from neighbours is a common source of disturbance. The most frequent complaints are about loud music or TV, shouting, banging doors and DIY activities. Remember, no house or flat is totally soundproof, and gardens and garages can be particularly noisy. 

The video below provides some tips to reducing domestic noise:




Each case is considered individually. In most cases problems can be resolved through discussion, mediation or warnings. SACRO - Aberdeen Community Mediation Service operates an independent mediation service which resolves disputes and helps those involved reach an agreement which everyone can live with. You may contact the service directly or ask to be referred by the agency or landlord dealing with your complaint. 


When voluntary solutions are not effective or appropriate then enforcement action can be taken. The type of enforcement action depends on the circumstances. The law is on your side and the Scottish Parliament introduced the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 to allow agencies to stand up to the minority whose behaviour causes serious nuisance in communities. 

You can view the Scottish Government's Guide to the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 on their website.

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