The Scottish Government recognises the importance of the efficient handling of development proposals in Scottish Planning Policy and Aberdeen City Council is committed to improving their service to customers who submit major planning applications. The reason for this is that large and complicated planning applications can sometimes take too long to go through the planning process.
Experience has shown that well managed pre-application discussions can help reduce the time taken to deal with a formal planning application.
Identification of the relevant planning issues at an early pre-application stage will help speed up the process for developers and the City Council. Major planning applications often comprise developments that will lead to significant economic investment in the City and Shire whilst improving the environment and facilities on offer to their residents. Equally, such applications can be contentious and generate public interest. An efficient, effective and consistent approach from the Planning Service is therefore required. Planning officers, consultees, councillors and the public at large often have to deal with proposals which could be better formulated.
Aberdeen City Council therefore welcome and encourage discussion with developers prior to the submission of any planning application for a major development. The resulting applications stand a better chance of a successful recommendation and help speed up the decision making process after submission.