The controls ensure that hazardous substances can be kept or used in significant amounts only after the responsible authorities have had the opportunity to asses the degree of risk arising to persons in the surrounding area and to the environment. Even after all reasonably practicable measures have been taken to ensure compliance with health and safety legislation (e.g. Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974); there will remain the residual risk of an accident which cannot entirely be eliminated.
The purpose of hazardous substances consent is to ensure that this residual risk to people in the vicinity or to the environment is taken into account before a hazardous substance is allowed to be present in a controlled quantity. The extent of this risk will depend upon where and how a hazardous substance is to be present; and the nature of existing and prospective uses of the application site and its surroundings.
Contravention of hazardous substances regulations (e.g. failing to obtain the required consent or failing to comply with the conditions of a consent) could expose people in the surrounding area to serious and immediate risk. Consequently, contravention of the regulations is a criminal offence and the Council has the power to prosecute offenders, which may result in an unlimited fine.