Listed buildings

Any proposed alteration to a listed building, external or internal, that is considered to affect the building’s character requires an application to be made for listed building consent. Please see Submit a Planning Application for more information. 

For guidance on whether a listed building application is required please contact the Technical Team (Applications):

  • Telephone: 01224 053746
  • E-mail:


5 multi-storey blocks of flats in Aberdeen have been designated as Category A-Listed buildings by Historic Environment Scotland (HES). Depending on the works you plan to carry out, you may need Listed Building Consent or Planning Permission. For detailed guidance on what may or may not require consent, please read 

Government policy with regard to the demolition of listed buildings is that no worthwhile building should be lost to our environment unless it is demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that every effort has been exerted by all concerned to find practical ways of keeping it. It is possible to apply to demolish a listed building but there would need to be a very convincing case to support the application. It should be noted that just because the current owner of a listed building is unable to find a viable use then they cannot expect to automatically obtain permission to demolish it. Historic Environment Scotland will require evidence that the building has been advertised for sale. A new owner may be better placed to secure the building's future.

Listed buildings are included on a list of buildings of special architectural or historic interest compiled by Historic Environment Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Ministers.

The term 'building' is defined broadly in the legislation and can include, for example, walls, fountains, statues, sundials, bridges, bandstands and telephone boxes.

You can search for a listed building on the Historic Environment Scotland website.

Buildings are put into one of three listing categories according to their relative importance.

  • Category A - Buildings of special architectural or historical interest which are outstanding examples of a particular period, style or building type.
  • Category B - Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are major examples of a particular period, style or building type.
  • Category C - Buildings of special architectural or historic interest which are representative examples of a period, style or building type.
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