Urgent We are currently experiencing difficulties with our phone lines and you may need to call back later. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Our online forms remain available. 

Report a problem with a road, pavement or road sign

Work carried out will be priority based on the severity of the defects.

We are responsible for looking after all public roads in Aberdeen City except for trunk roads, and any private or unadopted roads. The A90 and A96 trunk road sections are the responsibility of Amey. For more information on trunk roads in the North East, or to report a fault on any of these roads, please visit the Amey website Netrunkroads.scot or you can telephone 08000 830 084

Please use this form to report  problems with the following (this can include defects caused by utility works):

  • Potholes
  • Road markings
  • Bollards
  • Crash barriers
  • Zebra/Pelican crossings (including lights out)
  • Cobbles
  • Overhanging vegetation
  • Pavements
  • Unsafe stairs or steps
  • Blocked drains
  • Missing, faded or damaged road signs 


A road or pavement that is causing a clear and immediate danger can be treated as an emergency. For any problems that are classed as an emergency please call us on 03000 200 292. We will attend within 4 hours and if required make it safe.

Examples of an emergency include:

  • Subsidence of road
  • Oil or fuel spill on the road
  • Dangerous overhead wires
  • Road sign causing an obstruction
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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.