PAUSED - This grant scheme has been paused until future funding has been confirmed for Financial Year 2025/26.
A grant scheme has launched to support start-up businesses in Aberdeen by offering funding of:
• £1,000, where there is no business premise
• £3,000, where the start-up is taking on a rateable business premise
Sole traders, Partnerships or Limited Companies who have set up within Aberdeen City Council boundary since 1 January 2024 can apply, with one grant per business permitted. Business applicants must be engaged with the Business Gateway service. This scheme has been funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.
How to apply
If you have any questions please contact the project team by emailing
Assessment of applications
This fund is open to sole trader, partnership or limited company - evidenced as such through Companies House registration or a UTR number; trading as a micro, small or medium enterprise (up to 250 employees) within the city centre.
All complete applications received will be assessed and verified against the eligibility criteria by Aberdeen City Council and Business Gateway. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed.
Successful applicants will be informed by offer letter. All decisions will be made at the discretion of Aberdeen City Council and are subject to the availability of funds.
The applicant may appeal an unsuccessful application up to 4 weeks after notification by submitting a written request to appeal to The application will then be reviewed by a second member of staff at Aberdeen City Council.
If you have any questions about the application form, guidance or eligibility, please contact
All applicants must be engaged with the Business Gateway service and have an allocated adviser prior to applying. If you do not have a Business Gateway adviser please contact Business Gateway by email or 01224 472844.