ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Your data: Peep Project

How we use your information

You may be referred to the Peep Project by a health worker, social worker, someone in education, or have chosen to get in contact yourself. If you have been referred by one of the above services your information may have been shared with us, with your agreement. This information will be used so that we can offer you the services that will best meet your needs.
When you contact the Peep Project, you may be put on a waiting list for one of our groups and will be contacted by a member of the team when a space is available.

You will be asked to fill out a registration form when you join a Peep group. This form is used to gather accurate and up to date details of who attends groups. If you provide contact details, we will only use these to contact you in relation to group activities and attendance.

The Peep Project will only share your personal information if you or another person is at risk of harm. If you have been referred to Peep sessions by any other service, we will update your referrer on your involvement with Peep. 

We receive information from partners which is added to our records. In some cases, information will be added to our records using automated processing, to speed up the time it takes to deal with simple processes. Decisions about you are not made using automated decision-making. 

From time to time, we will ask you for your feedback about the services we provide. You do not have to give us your name, address and contact details and can respond anonymously. We will use this information for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

How long we keep your information for

We will keep your registration form for up to three years from the end date of your involvement with Peep.
If we have made any notes in your electronic social work file, these will be held for the retention period of your case file, which your social worker can provide further details on. 

If you are added to one of our waiting lists your information will be kept until you are placed in a group, you decline services, or if your child has aged out of receiving services.

Any evaluation data that you provide will be anonymised and will be kept for 3 years.

Your rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information about all the rights you have, how they work in practice as well as contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think we haven’t handled your data properly. 

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this information. Wherever the Council processes your data, we need to make sure we have a legal basis for doing so in data protection law. The Council understands our legal basis for processing this information as being part of our public task to promote social welfare under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995.

If as part of attending one of our groups, we process any special category information about you, such as information related to your health, we understand our legal basis for processing this information as being necessary for the purpose of providing social care.

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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.