Select one of our service areas below for more information about how we use your data.
Why and how we use your data
Your data: baby naming and vow renewal ceremonies
Your data: booking a Registrar to conduct a wedding or civil partnership ceremony
Your data: Books of Remembrance
Your data: citizenship ceremonies
Your data: family history research
Your data: Memorial seats and benches
Your data: registering a birth, death, stillbirth, marriage or civil partnership
Your data: verifying European passports on behalf of the Home Office
Your data: Aberdeen City and Peterhead Green Freeport (ACPGF) questionnaire
Your data: Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory
Your data: animal health and welfare enforcement activity
Your data: animal health and welfare licences
Your data: application for club gaming permit/cub machine permit
Your data: application for Family entertainment centre gaming machine permit
Your data: application for licenced premises gaming machine permit
Your data: application for prize gaming permit
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a boat-hire licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a booking office licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of an indoor sports entertainment licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of an itinerant metal dealers licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a knife dealers licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a late hours catering licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a market operators’ licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a metal dealers licence
Your data: application for the grant, renewal, transfer or variation of a caravan site licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a public entertainment licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a second-hand dealers licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a sex shop licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a skin piercing or tattooing licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a street traders licence
Your data: application for the grant or renewal of a window cleaners’ licence
Your data: application for registration of small society lottery
Your data: application for reinstatement of gambling premises licence
Your data: application for a provisional statement in respect of gambling premises
Your data: application for the grant, renewal or variation of a Sexual Entertainment Venue Licence
Your data: application for transfer of gambling premises licence
Your data: application to vary gambling premises licence
Your data: business start-up grant scheme
Your data: children's performance licence
Your data: civic licence objections and representations
Your data: confirmation of a provisional premises licence
Your data: Energy Pilot Grant Scheme
Your data: environmental health and trading standards
Your data: environmental health service requests
Your data: export health certificate
Your data: extended hours licence
Your data: food business registration
Your data: food law enforcement activity
Your data: gambling licence objections and representations
Your data: gambling premises licence
Your data: gambling temporary use notice
Your data: general commercial property enquiries
Your data: health and safety law enforcement activity
Your data: information relating to injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences
Your data: Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – temporary premises licence
Your data: licensing complaints
Your data: liquor licence objections and representations
Your data: notification of public processions
Your data: occasional use notice – track betting
Your data: personal alcohol licence application or renewal
Your data: personal alcohol licence replacement
Your data: personal licence refresher training
Your data: port health enforcement activity
Your data: potentially foodborne disease investigations
Your data: premises/provisional premises licence
Your data: Progress through Positive Partnerships project
Your data: public charitable collection
Your data: registering your Childminding service with the Family Information Service (FIS)
Your data: registering your Family support service with the Family Information Service (FIS)
Your data: registering your Daycare service with the Family Information Service (FIS)
Your data: the Scottish Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme
Your Data: Sexual Entertainment Venue licence objections and representations
Your data Short-term Lets applications
Your data Short-term Lets objections and representations
Your data: specific commercial property enquiries
Your data: Support for City Centre Events
Your data: taxi or private hire driver licence grant or renewal
Your data: taxi or private hire car vehicle licence grant or renewal
Your data: taxi or private hire car vehicle licence – substitution of a vehicle
Your data: taxi and private hire driver licence (grant) – street knowledge test application
Your data: taxi or private hire car vehicle licence – variation of a licence
Your data: taxi and private hire vehicle licence – replacement plate request form
Your data: taxi vehicle licence (grant) – registration of interest
Your data: taxi or private hire car vehicle and driver licences – surrender of licence
Your data: Temporary Restrictions Fund for Childcare Providers
Your data: Trading Standards complaints, investigation and advice
Your data: transfer of premises licence
Your data: Transitional Support Fund for Childcare Providers
Your data: variation of premises licence
Your data: taxi private hire licence objections and representations
Your data: Aberdeen Disability Equity Partnership
Your data: candidates and agents
Your data: Community Councillors
Your data: Council meeting webcasting and recording
Your data: data protection requests
Your data: elected representative enquiries
Your data: Election Office employee register
Your data: external committee members
Your data: FOI and EIR enquiries
Your data: Aberdeen Local Restrictions Business Support Fund
Your data: Business Growth Correspondence
Your data: Business Transition Support Fund
Your data: childcare sector Omicron impacts fund
Your data: Coronavirus Business Support fund application
Your data: Coronavirus Support Discretionary Business Fund and Taxi and Private Hire Driver Fund
Your data: Coronavirus Support; The Taxi and Private Hire Driver and Operator Support Fund 2021-22
Your data: Strategic Framework Business Fund
Covid 19 - Testing in Schools Infographic
Your data: Autism Outreach Service
Your data: Autism Outreach Service – for children and young people
Your data: Children and young people out of school care survey 2021
Your data: children and young people school aged childcare survey 2022
Your data: Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP)
Your data: Dyslexia Outreach Service
Your data: Early Learning and Childcare Application
Your data: Early Learning and Childcare - Parent & Carer Consultation
Your data: Educational Psychology Service – version for parents and carers
Your data: Educational Psychology Service – version for young people
Your data: Eligible 2’s application
Your data: Emergency Aberdeen Childcare Services
Your data: employment of children
Your data: English as an additional language service
Your data: expression of interest – holiday programmes in the City
Your data: Family Information Service enquiries
Your data: Family Information Service feedback
Your data: Family Information Service Holiday Activities Listing
Your data: Family Learning Service
Your data: free school meals, school clothing grants and educational maintenance allowance
Your data: Holiday programmes in the city parent/carer survey
Your data: Holiday Programmes in the City
Your data: Holiday programmes in the city children and young people survey
Your data: Covid-19 Testing in Schools
Your data: Parental Involvement and Engagement Census
Your data: Parental Involvement and Engagement Survey
Your data: Planning for your child in Education
Your data: Planning for you in Education - easy read version
Your data: request for assistance
Your data: request to conduct research in an educational establishment
Your data: school admissions and placing requests
Your data: School Age Childcare
Your data: School Age Childcare – Parent & Carer Consultation
Your data: School Aged Childcare (SAC) Networking Forum
Your data: school enrolment and education records
Your data: School Estate Plan - Survey of Children and Young People's Views
Your data: School Estate Statutory Consultation
Your data: School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee
Your data: School Placings and Exclusions Appeal Committee recruitment
Your data: School transport - Covid-19 School Transport Retrofit Fund
Your data: survey of children and young people’s views on Children’s Rights and Wellbeing
Your data: Use of B Squared Applications at Schools
Your data: Workforce Development & Expansion Funding Application
Your data: Youth Work in Schools – notice for parents and guardians
Your data: Aberdeen Climate and Nature Pledge, Net Zero Aberdeen and Aberdeen Adapts News
Your data: Fixed Penalty Notice - dog fouling
Your data: Fixed Penalty Notice - littering
Your data: Litter Picking mailing list
Your data: noise complaint - fixed penalty notice
Your data: noise warning notice
Your data: streets and grounds maintenance requests and issues
Your data: Aberdeen City Council news subscribers
Your data: Aberdeen City Council’s People’s Champion nominations
Your data: Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy Consultation
Your data: Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Integration Scheme consultation
Your data: Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance Consultation
Your data: Appointments bookings
Your data: Budget Consultation
Your data: Business Customer Research
Your data: Busking - Proposed code of conduct consultation
Your data: City Centre Masterplan
Your data: Collaboration for Health Equity – Aberdeen Launch Event
Your data: Community Empowerment Strategy review
Your data: Consultation on Bucksburn Swimming Pool
Your data: Consultation and Music Service (children and young people)
Your data: Consultation and Music Service (parent and carer)
Your data: Contact centre call recording
Your data: Contact centre telephone surveys
Your data: Employability and Skills Audit 2025 (16-19 years)
Your data: Employability and Skills Audit 2025 (20-67 years)
Your data: Footdee Waste & Recycling Citizen Survey
Your data: George Street Area Consultation
Your data: Local Outcome Improvement Plan Refresh - Stakeholder Sessions
Your data: Lower Deeside Community Event - Evaluation
Your data: LOIP and Locality Plan Refresh 2023/24
Your data: Mental Health Delivery Plan consultation
Your data: Mental Health Strategy consultation
Your data: Mixed Taxi Fleet Consultation
Your data: Online customer account
Your data: Open space audit survey
Your data: Our queuing system in Marischal College Customer Service Centre
Your data: RAAC Stakeholder Engagement
Your data: Revised Children’s Services Plan Consultation
Your data: School Estate Preliminary Survey
Your data: South College Street Phase 2 Options Appraisal Consultation
Your data: Spectra 2025 Visitor Survey | Aberdeen City Council
Your data: Community Planning Partnership’s Engagement for Multiple Plans/Strategies
Your data: application for a disabled adaptation grant
Your data: application for mutual exchange
Your data: application for renting a garage, garage site or parking space
Your data: application for social housing - Letter HAF 11
Your data: application for social rented housing
Your data: CCTV at Clinterty Travelling Persons Site
Your data: Clinterty Travelling Persons Site pitch application and tenancy agreement
Your data: empty homes matchmaker scheme for renting
Your data: empty homes privacy notice
Your data: energy efficiency conference
Your data: HMO representations
Your data: housing advice, homelessness and temporary accommodation
Your data: housing alterations
Your data: Housing and Support Service
Your data: housing needs assessment and offer of sheltered housing
Your data: housing support assessment
Your data: landlord registration
Your data: low-cost home ownership new build applications
Your data: low-cost home ownership mailing list
Your data: low-cost home ownership resale applications
Your data: mixed ownership contracts of work
Your data: practical tenancy setup
Your data: private tenant complaints
Your data: property factoring service
Your data: property matchmaker
Your data: references for prospective tenants at Clinterty Traveller Site
Your data: References for current and former Aberdeen City Council tenants
Your data: Rent Assistance Fund
Your data: Short-term Lets Licensing Scheme Consultation
Your data: tenancy set-up fund
Your data: tenant consultation
Your data: tenants' content insurance
Your data: unauthorised encampments
Your data: Aberdeen in bloom garden competition application form
Your data: Aberdeen Culture Investment Questionnaire
Your data: Aberdeen Highland Games Trade and Charity Stalls
Your data: Allotment application
Your data: Celebrate Aberdeen in Bloom 2020
Your data: City Event Application
Your data: Creative Funding (Individuals)
Your data: Creative Funding (Organisations)
Your data: Creative Learning database - partners and creative practitioners
Your data: Creative Learning project participant
Your data: Creative Learning volunteers
Your data: Creative Learning workshop booking
Your data: Countryside Ranger Service e-newsletter
Your data: European Pipe Band Championships Competition
Your Data: Getabout Gotcha Competition prize draw
Your Data: Hidden Lego Minifigure Trail
Your Data: Spectra Hidden Butterfly Trail
Your data: Spring bulbs mailing list
Your data: Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards
Your data: Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives Group Bookings
Your data: Aberdeen City Libraries Lend + Mend Hub
Your data: Aberdeen City Libraries room bookings
Your data: Aberdeen City Libraries - Registering for Events
Your data: Aberdeen City Libraries - Library Champions (notice for parents and carers)
Your data: Library Champions (notice for young people)
Your data: Archives correspondence
Your data: Archives sign-in form
You data: competitions and creative submissions
Your data: Consultation on Cornhill, Cults, Ferryhill, Kaimhill, Northfield and Woodside libraries
Your data: Curriculum Resources and Information Service (CRIS) Topic Request
Your data: Aberdeen’s Future Library and Information Service Consultation
Your data: Library Mailing lists
Your data: Princh (Wireless Printing)
Your data: Business Start-Up Grants
Your data: ABZ Works Training Allowance
Your data: antisocial behaviour complaints
Your data: Application for Common Good funding
Your data: Child Friendly City Youth Participation Network
Your data: City Wardens - enquiries and complaints
Your data: Coastal Communities Fund
Your data: Come and Network event
Your data: Community Engagement Training Evaluation
Your data: Community Festive Fund
Your data: Community Justice E-Bulletin and other updates
Your data: Community planning partnership
Your data: Community Planning Aberdeen community updates
Your data: Community Planning Aberdeen Cross Cutting Campaigns
Your data: Community Planning Aberdeen Improvement Projects
Your data: Community Planning Aberdeen: The development of a family support model
Your data: Community Led Walkabouts
Your data: Employability Support Customer Feedback
Your data: External Funding Opportunities for Organisations
Your data: Interpretation and Translation Service
Your data: Response Control Centre Emergency Response
Your data: Resettlement and Asylum
Your data: Safer Aberdeen members
Your data: Scotland Loves Local Aberdeen Gift Card
Your data: Spaces for People CCTV
Your data: The North-East Economic Recovery and Skills Fund (NEERSF)
Your data: Ukrainian Welcome Hub
Your data: Union Street Empty Shops Grant Scheme
Your data: Warm Spaces Directory
Your data: Community Planning Aberdeen Capacity Buildings and Support Opportunities
Your data: Participatory Budgeting - UDECIDE Fund Applications
Your data: 2023 Development Plan Scheme Participation Statement Consultation
Your data: Aberdeen Beachfront Development Framework Consultation
Your data: Aberdeen Beachfront Development Framework Phase 2 Consultation
Your data: building warrant application
Your data: Draft Aberdeen Planning Guidance Health Impact Assessments Consultation
Your data: Draft Energy Transition Zone Masterplan Consultation
Your data: George Street Draft Mini-Masterplan Consultation
Your data: Heritage & Place Programme
Your data: Local Development Plan 2025
Your data: Outdoor Seating Consultation
Your data: Outdoor Seating Enquiries
Your data: planning application
Your data: pre-application enquiries
Your data: Self-Build Register
Your data: School Travel Plan Survey
Your data: Local Place Planning
Your data: School Streets Pilot Expression of Interest
Your data: Aberdeen Rapid Transit Communication and Engagement
Your data: Blue Badge applications
Your data: carriageway markings applications
Your data: cashless parking and Pay and Display refunds
Your data: disabled parking space applications
Your data: driveway applications
Your data: exercise of compulsory purchase powers
Your data: hydrogen fuelling station
Your data: Parking, Bus Lane and Low Emission Zone Appeals
Your data: virtual parking permits
Your data: Pay and Display machine fault reporting
Your data: reporting roads and street lighting issues
You data: road works and street occupation applications
Your data: road traffic signs applications
Your data: street occupation/pavement cafe permit
Your data: temporary traffic restrictions
Your data: traffic management and road safety
Your data: Tullos Roads Depot general enquiries
Your data: Traffic Regulation Order
Your data: Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Budget Consultation
Your data: Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Carer Strategy consultation
Your data: Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Recruitment/ Job Fair
Your data: adult carer support plan
Your data: Adult support and protection - investigations
Your data: Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
Your data: Care Charge Financial Assessments
Your data: children's social work - adopters, foster and kinship carers
Your data: children's social work - continuing and aftercare
Your data: children's social work - fieldwork and child protection
Your data: children's social work - looked after children
Your data: children's social work - parents and carers
Your data: community payback orders
Your data: court reports and risk assessments
Your data: diversion from prosecution
Your data: Fit like? Family Wellbeing Hubs
Your data: Grampian Wellbeing Festival Host Online Booking Form
Your data: integrated alcohol service
Your data: integrated drug service
Your data: integrated learning disability care service
Your data: learning disability service
Your data: Learning Disabilities Transitions Engagement & Consultation
Your data: Naloxone online app
Your data: older adults and physical disabilities
Your data: statutory throughcare, home leave and home background reports
Your data: Unpaid Carer Consultation and Engagement
Your data: Unpaid Carer's Reference Group: Stage 1
Your data: unpaid work and other activity requirement
Your data: voluntary throughcare
Your Data: Mental Health Social Work Service
Your data: Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003