Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report

Aberdeen City Equality Outcomes - Review and New Priorities 

Aberdeen City Council is working towards reviewing, planning and setting new priorities and equality outcomes for 2025 -2029 by ensuring diverse views are helping shape services for citizens and employees in Aberdeen as a place where people can prosper regardless of their background or circumstances.  

Equalities Outcomes

Aberdeen City Council has agreed an Equalities Plan to promote and embed equality in our services over the next four years from 2021 to 2025.  

The key piece of legislation which governs what we do is the Equality Act 2010. The General Duties within the Act require us to eliminate discrimination; advance equality of opportunity; and foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. The protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010 are: Age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 

To develop our Plan, we needed to understand the key inequalities and challenges facing people in Aberdeen, so we did the following: 

  1. We considered available local and national equalities evidence, 
  2. We reflected on our previous equalities work and, 
  3. We undertook extensive community engagement, including meetings with groups and an online survey.

As a Council we always strive to and are proud of our efforts to promote equality across all our services and this background work helped us by providing the necessary information to identify the key inequalities that local people are concerned about. These key issues are reflected in our Equality Outcomes and commitments in the Plan. 

The next phase of this work is to engage further with communities to develop specific actions to help us achieve our Equality Outcomes.

For more information or to get involved, please contact the equalities team:



Equality Outcomes 2021-2025

Aberdeen City Council as a service provider 

  • EO 1 - All people with protected characteristics will access information, goods and services knowing that social and physical barriers are identified and removed, with a focus on Age, Gender reassignment and Disability.
  • EO 2- Diverse communities in Aberdeen will have an increased sense of safety and belonging within their neighbourhood and City, with a focus on Race (including Gypsy/Travellers), Religion and Sexual Orientation.
  • EO 3 – Representation in civic participation of people with protected characteristics will be improved by ensuring our leaders, staff and organisation champion the equality agenda in the City, with a focus on Disability, Race and Sex.

Aberdeen City Council as an employer

  • EO 1 - Improve the diversity of our workforce and address any areas of underrepresentation, ensuring that there are equal opportunities for all protected groups (with consideration for both internal employees and external applicants), with a particular and prioritised focus on Age, Disability, Race and Sex.
  • EO 2 - Ensure that all of our employees who have protected characteristics feel fully valued, safe and included at work, with a particular and prioritised focus on Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Race, Sex and Sexual orientation.

Aberdeen City Council Education Authority

  • EO 1 - Increase access to information by ensuring communication barriers are removed for children, young people and families who are disabled.
  • EO 2 - Increase the feeling of trust and belonging to schools and communities by reducing bullying of those with protected characteristics, race, disability, LGBT.
  • EO 3 – Reduce number of exclusions for children and young people with disabilities.

Aberdeen City Council Licensing Board

  • EO1 -Developing the Licensing process to ensure fair access for all, including the development of electronic applications and payments and the implementation of hybrid Licensing Board meetings
  • EO2 - Licensing Board works in partnership with a range of stakeholders to ensure the most effective decisions are made to meet the aims of the Board  and also works with license holders and other Council services to support positive behaviour on and around license premises.

Key Documents

Video - Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report 2021 2025 – BSL Summary

Easy Read

Newsletters and Bulletins  

Archived documents

Previous reports, newletters and bulletins can be found here:

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