The LEAF (Local Environmental Action Fund), which provides grants of up to £3,000 to support projects in local communities has reopened this week.
Funding is available for projects that provide environmental improvements, support nature recovery, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support local communities.
Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Ian Yuill said: “The first round of funding awards is supporting community led projects which will make a real difference in Aberdeen.
"These community-led initiatives have an important part to play in reaching the targets set out in our collective Net Zero Aberdeen Routemap and Aberdeen Adapts framework.”
Aberdeen City Council Co-Leader Councillor Christian Allard added: “Applications for LEAF funding have been opened to a wider range of groups this time, and it’s exciting to see what creative ideas come forward for the benefit of our communities.”
Alison Stuart, Chief Officer of NESCAN Hub said “We have been delighted by the variety and creativity of the environmental action projects we have seen spring up all over the city, and by the enthusiasm and commitment of community groups working for the benefit of nature, the planet and their community.”
Thirteen projects received support from the scheme during the first round of LEAF earlier this year, including work to brighten up urban spaces, monitor the health of river wildlife, and create biodiverse sensory spaces.
The LEAF fund is administered through NESCAN Hub (North East Scotland Climate Action Network), on behalf of the Council. Applications should be made through the NESCAN Hub website, and should outline how they fulfil the criteria, setting out how they will benefit the local environment, while supporting communities.
The fund is open to not-for-profit community groups with an annual income of under £200,000, increased from £100,000 from the first round, for projects located within Aberdeen City.
Further information on LEAF
Further information on Net Zero Aberdeen