A red, yellow, blue and green toy garage, a wooden dolls house with red windows and a plastic dolls house with a blue roof, pink and purple window surrounds, a yellow door and green base.

Family Time - Ideas about what you can do

Here are some ideas of what you can do with different age groups, both in person and virtually

These are suggestions that you and the parent can discuss and pre-plan before the family time.


If doing this virtually, a short call would be advised. Hold baby or place in baby seat for parent to see them.

  • play peek-a-boo, do this by turning camera away (if virtual), then back again.
  • use hand gestures when talking to baby, don’t be afraid to move around (movement will help keep your little one’s attention)
  • sing songs/read stories
  • use rattles/toys to make sounds for your baby to hear and follow



Toddlers may not want to stay on a video call for long however the camera can be turned around to watch him/her play while the adults have a chat.

  • Simple games such as peek-a-boo, same as babies, turn camera away but upon return offer a surprise such as a book, a toy or something else that you want to talk about.
  • Sing songs, using hand gestures for them to copy.
  • Sticker fun – ask where the sticker should go, make up stories about this
  • Make playdough – each make something and hold up to camera to show these off
  • Use flashcards – hold up these for the child to say what’s on them
  • Do a puppet show –use finger puppets or action figures, hold these up to camera (duck out of sight) and put on a little show.
  • Make a stuffed animal dance


School age to teenager

If doing a virtual session, these calls may longer or be short depending on the child and what they have to say or do. Kinship carers may have to prompt conversations or converse with parents directly if child doesn’t want to talk.

  • Treasure hunt game – this will need to be arranged before the contact with Kinship carer and parent.
  • Memory game – have various items, around 6 or 8 laid out, let the child see them then turn camera away and remove one, let the child see them again and see if they can guess which one is missing – they can then do the same back.
  • Baking - both have the same ingredients ready, Kinship carer may need to help the child in this task.
  • Have a dance party – one person plays the music and then dance together
  • Play board games – guess who – each have a board and play as normal. Jenga – each have a set and instead of taking turns, each remove a piece at same time, last one standing wins!
  • Play I spy
  • Write a story together – start with one sentence and then take turns imagining what happens next
  • Draw self portraits
  • Play the alphabet game
  • Have a spa day – paint your nails or do face masks and have a chat
  • Tell jokes
  • Ask them questions about what they like – do some research on these topics to have a conversation.
  • Lego challenge – both have some Lego, set a time limit and both make the same thing, showing each other this. 
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