Single Shared Assessment
Single Shared Assessment is for people with community care needs seeking help from social work, health or housing authorities, and who may require the services of more than one professional discipline or agency.
It recognises that many people have health, social care and housing needs and that agencies must work together so that assessment and subsequent care planning are person centred, needs led, co-ordinated and effective.
The Single Shared Assessment form is designed to gather basic information on a person's needs and circumstances. In practice this means someone seeking assistance from health and social services should experience a more streamlined service as they move between different professionals and different agencies. Where information is gathered once by one professional, with the service user's consent this information will be passed to others involved. This improved communication between professionals results in better co-ordination in assessments and service delivery.
What does the assessment involve?
During the assessment we look, with you, at your needs and what services may be required to meet those needs. For some services, for example, home care, there may be a charge but this normally depends on your income. The time needed for an assessment depends on your needs and circumstances. If your needs are complicated and we have to gather information from a number of people as well as from you, it may take more than one visit to complete your assessment.
Can I bring someone with me for my assessment?
Yes, if you want to you can bring a friend, relative or someone else to speak on your behalf at your assessment appointment.
Referrals for care and support can be made via form below, or by contacting Care Management by phone on 01224 070077 Mon – Fri , 9am - 5pm.
Care management accept self-referrals, from family members and from health professionals.
We need to have the consent of the person being referred to progress the referral.
Please fill in and send the Care Management Assessment form and send it to
Access to assessment to receive free personal care and for assessments for nursing home care are coordinated through referrals to Care Management
Please view Agile brochure for the range of support services across the city .