ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Your data: Trading Standards complaints, investigations and advice

Why and how we use your information

Aberdeen City Council has a statutory duty to enforce various consumer protection and trading standards statutes which are designed to protect and promote the health, safety and economic wellbeing of residents and the businesses in the city and in so doing, the wider community beyond our boundaries.

Trading Standards also provides advice to consumers and businesses on their rights and responsibilities under these laws. These cover:

  • Fair Trading including the supply, pricing and description of goods and services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Weights and Measures
  • Product Safety
  • The Sale of Age Restricted Products such as Tobacco, electronic cigarettes (Nicotine vaping products), and Fireworks 
  • Tobacco & Nicotine Vaping Products Registration & Display
  • Petroleum and Explosives Licensing

If you contact us to register a complaint or to ask for our advice, we will make a record of the information you give us, including your name, your address and the nature of the complaint, to allow us to carry out a comprehensive investigation of the issue you have raised with us and to keep a record of any advice we provided you with. This will also allow us to take the appropriate enforcement action, where necessary. 

If you provide us with information, or we have received information about you from a third party, we will use the information provided, and may gather more from internal services such as Housing or Council Tax, for example.  More information about the third parties that we receive information from is available in the table below.

Who we share personal information with

Where it is permitted by law, or necessary to carry out our statutory function, we will share your information with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal’s Service, Food Standards Scotland, Police Scotland, HM Revenue and Customs, the Health and Safety Executive, Other local authority Trading Standards, other enforcing authorities or other council services. More information about this is available in the table below.

How long we keep your information for

This information will be stored electronically, and in some instances in hard copy, which we will keep for ten years, after which time it will be deleted. If information provided relates to the storage of Petroleum Spirit this information will be held indefinitely, as is required by law. 

Your rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information about all the rights you have and how they work in practice, as well as contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. They are the body responsible for making sure organisations like the Council handle your data properly.

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this information.  Wherever we process personal information we must make sure we have a basis for doing so under Data Protection law. When we process your information to investigate criminal offences, our legal basis for processing is Part 3 of the Data Protection Act 2018. This is because we are Competent Authority due to our statutory functions to enforce Consumer Protection and Trading Standards legislation. 

In other situations, where are investigating civil breaches, our legal basis for processing your data is because it is part of our public task as a local authority under Consumer Protection and Trading Standards legislation. 

More information about each of the processing activities we undertake and our legal bases for them are outlined in the table below: 

Legal basis for processing 

What we do Why we do it Legal basis
Receiving complaints or enquiries from members of the public about trading standards matters. To carry out the law enforcement functions, prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals.

Part 3 of DPA2018: The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task 

Getting information about victim's or potential victim's name, address and contact details from the National Trading Standards Scam Hub database. To carry out the law enforcement functions, prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task 

Receiving referrals from other organisations including: businesses, consumer advice organisations, other Trading Standards services; Police Scotland and other enforcement agencies; Elected Members. To carry out the law enforcement functions, prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task 

Opening investigation case files and adding to it as investigation progresses. To carry out the law enforcement functions, prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task 

Making referrals to Adult Social Work, where appropriate (where there are adult support and protection concerns) which may be relevant to the future prevention and detection of crime, and where Trading Standards Officers may have Adult Support & Protection concerns about the victim.

To prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals. 

To fulfil our statutory duties & functions under the Adult Support & Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 and social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 where adults may be at risk of harm or require social work support.

UK GDPR: legal obligation under Adult Support & Protection law


Making case referrals to Police Scotland, where appropriate (this will be cases where the Council’s Trading Standards function is not the appropriate enforcement authority). To carry out the law enforcement functions, prevent further crime and to safeguard individuals.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task

Making case referrals to other enforcement agencies and passing on information about our investigation. To carry out law enforcement functions for which they have a statutory duty.

The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the Law Enforcement Purposes by a Competent Authority.

UK GDPR: Part of our public task.

Making case referrals to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS). To raise criminal proceedings in court. Only the COPFS is competent to raise criminal proceedings in Scotland.
Retaining closed investigation case files in accordance with the Council's records retention and disposal schedule.  To evidence that we have undertaken our law enforcement functions. The processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for one of the law enforcement purposes by a competent authority.
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