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Bridge of Don by-election results

Here is the result of the local government by-election in the Bridge of Don ward held on Thursday 3 October 2019. This information is published on behalf of the Returning Officer. 

Declaration of result

Electorate 15,188
Total votes cast 5,201
Turnout 34.2%

I, Fraser Bell, Returning Officer, hereby declare that the result of the election in the Bridge of Don ward is as follows. There are 2 councillors to be elected.

The quota of votes for a candidate to be elected is 1,712.

The first preference votes received by each of the candidates was as follows:

Candidate's Name
Description (if any) Number of 1st Preferences

CLARKE, Philip



CROSS, Sarah

Scottish Conservative and Unionist


HARDIE, Sylvia

Scottish Green Party 



Scottish Labour Party



Red Party of Scotland


MCLEAN, Simon Paul Independent 43

MENNIE, Jessica

Scottish National Party (SNP)


SKOCZYKLODA, Michal Franciszek Scottish Liberal Democrats 929

After application of the election rules I declare that the following have been duly elected as Councillors for the Bridge of Don ward of Aberdeen City Council: 

Candidate's Name
Description (if any)  Stage at which candidate was elected
CROSS, Sarah Scottish Conservative and Unionist


MENNIE, Jessica

Scottish National Party (SNP)


The number of papers rejected and not counted was as follows:

Reason Number of papers
Ballot paper which does not bear a unique identifying mark in a form that is capable of being read by electronic means 0
Ballot paper on which the figure “1” standing alone is not placed so as to indicate a first preference for some candidate 4
Ballot paper on which the figure “1” standing alone indicating a first preference is set opposite the name of more than one candidate 58
Ballot paper on which anything is written or marked by which the voter can be identified except the printed number and other unique identifying mark on the back 0
Ballot paper which is unmarked or void for uncertainty 4
Total number rejected 66


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