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Your data: Educational Psychology Service – notice for Young People

How we use your information 

Aberdeen City Council collects information about you to allow the Educational Psychology Service to work with you. It is your choice to work with the Educational Psychology Service, unless there are Child Protection concerns about you or we are asked for information from the Scottish Children’s Reporter’s Administration. 

In some cases, the Council will add information to our records using automated processing, to speed up the time it takes to deal with simple processes. Decisions about you are not made using automated decision-making.

Who we may share your information with

The Council Educational Psychology Service may be asked to share your information.  We may be asked to share with other Council services, including Education and Social Work.  We will only share information with other Council services where this is necessary to help the Educational Psychology Service to work with you.

We may also be asked to share information with services outside the Council.  These services are the Scottish Children’s Reporter’s Administration and NHS Grampian.  We will only share information with these services if you are currently or if you become involved with them.  

If we are asked to share your information, Educational Psychologists will use their professional judgement to decide which information is appropriate and necessary to share. 

How long we keep your information

We will keep your information until you reach the age of 25 years old. We will keep anonymised data beyond this period for the purposes of auditing service provision and quality assurance.

If you have been looked after by the local authority, we will keep your information for 100 years from you becoming 18. This may be looked after at home, in a residential home, or through a kinship/foster carer placement. 

Your rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See the Your data page for more information about the rights you have, as well as the contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think we haven't handled your data properly. 

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this information about you. Wherever the Council processes personal data, we need to make sure we have a legal basis for doing so in data protection law. The Council understands our legal basis for processing personal data in relation to providing education as legal obligation. This is because the Council, as an Education Authority, is legally required to provide an Educational Psychology Service under the Education (Scotland) Act 1980 as amended. In carrying out this function, the Council is also likely to process special categories of personal data. The Council understands our legal basis for doing so because processing is necessary for the treatment or management of health or social care systems and services.

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