Highland Games - Trade and Charity Stalls Terms & Conditions

Sunday 15 June 2025, 10.00am to 5.30pm

Games Field, Hazlehead Park, Aberdeen

Trade and Charity Stall Terms and Conditions

1.    In these Terms and Conditions, Trader and Charity includes any person, group, firm, company or organisation to whom a stall or stand space has been allocated. The term “Organiser” refers to Aberdeen City Council.
2.    Space on the site will be reserved for traders and charities who have received official notification from the organiser. The organiser reserves the right to refuse a stand/stall to trade if they deem a product unworthy, unsafe, or if a stall space has not been paid for.
3.    Payment must be made in full prior to the event taking place. If no payment has been received, then the organiser will remove the trader/charity from the site plan and admittance on the day will be refused. 
4.    Stallholders must provide copies of current Public Liability Insurance & Risk Assessments in order to be allowed to enter the games field. 
5.    Traders and charities are not permitted to sub-let the whole or part of their space.
6.    Exclusive rights to merchandise will not be guaranteed.
7.    Traders and charities must stay within their allocated space.
8.    Traders and charities must leave their space as they find it and free of litter.
9.    No public address systems, loudspeakers, megaphones or other voice enhancing / noise emitting equipment may be used.
10.    Stallholders are required to produce a risk assessment which should include stall set up, cash handling, use of equipment and staff welfare.
11.    Stallholders are solely responsible for the security of their goods and services.
12.    The organiser cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the cancellation, abandonment, curtailment or a low attendance at the event. Refunds will only be given if the event does not open to the public.
13.    All traders and charities must be ready for business by 10.00am on the day of the event.
14.    Entry to the site will be via official wristband only, made available by the organiser. All entrance wristbands requested and received by the Trader or Charity will be solely for the purpose of managing the stall.
15.    Traders and charities will be allocated one vehicle access pass for the Games Field to unload and set up the stall from 7.00am. Vehicles without a games field parking pass must be removed from the Games Field by 9.30am.
16.    Traders and charities will be allocated a car parking space and pass which must be displayed at all times on the vehicle dashboard. The car parking space may be directly behind the stall but can’t be guaranteed, preference should be indicated on application. Vehicles should be no bigger than a transit sized van.
17.    No Vehicle movement in the games field will be allowed between 9.30am–6.00pm unless explicit and prior permission has been authorised by the organiser or until the site is clear of members of the public.
18.    Stallholders offering raffles/lotteries, food and/or alcohol for sale to the public must have the appropriate licenses in place and comply with all relevant legislation. The Organiser will require evidence of the appropriate licence before the trader will be allowed to access the site. Environmental Services and Licensing Officers from Aberdeen City Council may be in attendance at the event.
19.    To ensure alcohol sold by traders at the Highland Games is not consumed within the games field, traders will be required to only sell alcohol in sealed bags, advise customers on the alcohol laws at point of purchase and display appropriate signage. If on the day there is any abuse of the alcohol laws, the organisers reserve the right to enforce stallholders to operate a click and collect style operation. Collection would be made as patrons leave the Highland Games field and to assist with this process, all stalls selling alcohol will be located near to the games exit gate to the public car park.
20.    All goods for sale at the event must comply with all relevant Trading Standards legislation. Stallholders contact details and price list must be displayed at all times.
21.    Stallholders must immediately notify either a steward or the event organiser at the Games Office of all accidents, incidents and near misses. Stallholders must comply with all requests from the organiser relating to health and safety issues that may arise during the event.
22.    Only silent diesel generators will be allowed on site and they must be checked annually, used in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, cordoned using crowd control barrier, cables made safe using appropriate matting and with appropriate fire extinguisher located next to the generator. All electrical items must have PAT testing certification. The organiser reserves the right to remove any generator, electrical item or piece of equipment that they deem not fit for purpose and cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred as a result of this action.
23.    All Stallholders using gas must use equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, hold a current gas safety test certificate, cordon cylinders using crowd control barrier and locate appropriate fire extinguisher next to the gas cylinders and equipment.
24.    Gazebo/stall structures must be securely fixed to the ground to protect against adverse weather. This should include the use of weights and/or pegs on each leg. The organiser reserves the right to remove any gazebo/stall that they deem not fit for purpose and cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred as a result of this action.

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