ImportantFor latest information on the fire in Merkland Road East, go to Latest information for Merkland Road East fire | Aberdeen City Council

Apply for a scaffolding permit

For any instance where a scaffolding structure will be placed on a road, pavement or footway, you must get a permit from us in advance. 

You must submit the application at least 10 days before the scaffolding is due to be in place. Your application will be subject to our review and approval.

You can apply for a permit online: 

We have produced our scaffolding protocol in consultation with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and construction professionals. The aim of the protocol is to highlight the measures that should be taken to comply with the law while erecting and dismantling scaffolding, in order to protect members of the public.

The protocol sets out a framework that contractors must comply with so that:

  1. Dismantling and erection is properly planned. 
  2. Scaffolding operatives are competent and have received sufficient training on the method and sequence of work. 
  3. There is segregation of the work, to protect the public.

You can download the scaffolding protocol from the Related Documents section below. 

The protocol does not replace any national HSE Information Sheet or HSE Guidance nor does it constitute a risk assessment or safety method statement.

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