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General Election 2019: information for voters

Register to vote

You must be on the electoral register in order to vote in the General Election. Find out how to register to vote

Who can vote

To vote in a General Election, you must:

European Union citizens cannot vote in UK Parliamentary Elections.

Where to vote

If you are not registered to vote by post, you will vote at your designated polling station, on polling day. Voting takes place between 7am and 10pm. The location of your polling station will be shown on your Poll Card. You will be sent this shortly before polling day.

You can download the relevant list below to check where the polling station is for your address:

You can also phone the Election Office on 01224 523501 or email to check where your polling station is.

How to vote

There are three different ways you can cast your vote:

  • In person at a polling station
  • By post
  • By asking someone else to vote for you (known as voting by proxy)

Voting in person

To vote in person you should go to the Polling Station shown on your polling card. You don't need to bring your polling card with you to vote in person.

The polling station will be open from 7am until 10pm on polling day, 12 December 2019. When you arrive, you will be asked to confirm your name and address, and then the clerk will give you a ballot paper. To vote, place a cross (X) against the candidate of your choice.

Voting by post

If you have a postal vote, your ballot paper is sent to your home address. Once you have completed the ballot paper you return your vote by post to the address provided.

To apply to vote by post you can:

You need to apply by 5pm on Tuesday 26 November for a postal vote at the General Election.

Voting by proxy

If you’re unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. This is called a proxy vote.

You can only apply for a proxy vote under certain circumstances, including:

  • Being away on polling day.
  • Having a medical issue or disability.
  • Not being able to vote in person because of work, study or military service.

To apply for a proxy vote you can:

You need to apply by 5pm on Wednesday 4 December to vote by proxy at the General Election.

Resources for people who have disabilities

There are many initiatives to help people who have disabilities to use their vote. You can find Guides to voting on the Mencap website.

All information on this page is published on behalf of the Returning Officer.

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