Early learning and Childcare (ELC)

Deferred Entry - Primary One

Further information regarding the deferred entry to primary one and the process for applying.

Aberdeen City Council Early Learning and Childcare Parent and Carer Consultation 2023

Aberdeen City Council consulted with parents, carers and future parents and carers on the implementation of the expansion of Early Learning and Childcare for all three and four-year olds and eligible two-year olds to date.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of parents and carers in order to:

  • Review the update and models of delivery across the city;
  • Contribute to a review of the impact of the implementation of the expansion of Early Learning and Childcare to date; 
  • Inform the development of our Early Learning and Childcare Delivery Plan which is published every 2 years and sets out the strategic direction for the delivery of Early Learning and Childcare in the city, responding to local need and reflecting the diversity of communities in Aberdeen; and, 
  • Meet our statutory consultation duties under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

The consultation was open until Sunday 25 June. 

The vision for ELC in Aberdeen

Flexibility and choice

Parents have the choice to apply for the additional hours, up to the 1140 hours per year. There is no legal requirement nor expectation for parents or carers to take up their full entitlement. We want families to choose what works best for them.

Therefore, we are looking at range of flexible models in each locality:

  • Full day provision
  • Half day provision – morning or afternoon
  • Blended provision – a combination of local authority and funded provider / childminder provision

School settings and partner providers, including private nursery settings and childminders (when in partnership), will be offering the additional hours. Continued partnership working is important. A significant number of children use partner providers and we would like to make sure additional hours can continued to be used in a range of settings.

The Family Information Service can provide details on all ELC options available in the city.

Working with families

We will continue to seek parents’ views to help us shape the delivery of expansion. In 2016 and 2017 we consulted with parents and carers. We launched an online survey over summer 2019 and held  a series of focus group meetings and parent information sessions from November 2019 to February 2020.  The views from parents, carers and potential future parents have helped shape our ELC expansion offer to ensure we are providing a service that best meets the needs of families in Aberdeen.  



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