ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Your data: Care Charge Financial Assessments

How we use your information

Aberdeen City Council collects and uses this information to process your claim or enquiry relating to Care costs contribution. If this information is not provided it may affect our ability to process your enquiry or calculate your contribution. This notice is provided to explain what information the council needs in order to process your financial assessment to establish any contribution required towards a chargeable non-residential care and residential care.

Aberdeen City Council will collect personal information about you and your family from social work referrals, its housing benefit and council tax reduction records, the Department for Work and Pensions and from yourself. This information will include:

  • Details about you, your name, address, telephone number, email address, national insurance number, date of birth; 
  • Details about people living with you, income, allowances, savings and investments including those of your partner. 
  • Other relevant information needed to assess your contribution, such as your housing costs. 
  • Details of any chargeable non-residential care and support services you receive.

Who will we share your information with?

To enable the council to process your enquiry or calculate your contribution we will share information where necessary with partner organisations, including:

  • The Department for Work and Pensions and other Government departments; 
  • Social Security Scotland;
  • Other internal council services; and
  • Contracted external suppliers.

The Council is obliged to participate in the National Fraud Initiative in Scotland and in terms of this passes information to Audit Scotland for data matching to detect fraud or possible fraud.  Details of this exercise can be found on Audit Scotland’s website.

How long we keep your information for

We will keep your information for a maximum of seven years, once a chargeable service has ceased.

Your rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy if it. See more information about all the rights you have and how they work in practice, as well as contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think we haven’t handled your data properly.

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this information about you. Wherever we process personal data we must have a legal basis in data protection law for doing so. Aberdeen City Council has a statutory duty under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 to carry out needs assessments for people we think may need care services, and we have a general duty to promote social welfare by providing advice, guidance, and assistance under the Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act 2002. This means that we understand our legal basis for processing personal information required to take referrals and undertake assessments and put in place and review care plans being part of our public task, and things which we are required to do by law.

As part of the Aberdeen City Health & Social Care Partnership, we must work with NHS to provide services which are integrated from the point of view of our service users under the public Sector (Joint Working)(Scotland) Act 2014.

In all of the above cases, the Council is likely to process special categories of personal data. The Council understand out legal basis for doing so as necessary for the provision of health or social care treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services.

Where we share information with Social Security Scotland, we understand our legal basis as being part of our public task under the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018. In doing so, the Council is likely to process special categories of personal data. The Council understands our legal basis for doing so as being necessary for reasons of substantial public interest.

We have a legal obligation under Part 2A of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000, to provide Audit Scotland with data to carry out data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud.

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