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Your data: children and young people school aged childcare survey 2022

How we use your information  

Aberdeen City Council is asking you to take part in this survey so that you can tell us how you feel about your school aged childcare provider. It is really important to us that you enjoy the time you spend at your childcare provider and that when you are there, you feel safe, happy and included. You can do the survey on your own or you can ask someone to help you.
We will use what you say about your club to write a report that will say what you think your childcare provider is good at and what, if anything, could make it better. We do not need to know your name, address or any other contact details for the survey but if you do tell us your name or any other information about yourself we will not use it in our final report.  

Who we share information with 

The report we write will be shared with the people who run your club, your parents or carers, the Scottish Out of School Care Network and the Scottish Government because it’s important for them to know what you think about your out of school club and what we are going to do to make it better for you. 

How long we keep your information 

We will keep a copy of your survey until we complete our analysis of all the surveys we get back. This just means until we think through all the things you tell us in your survey. We will keep your survey answers for 1 year as we will use them to write our final report. The analysis and the final report will not have your name or any other information that might tell someone else who or where you are. 
The report will also go on the Aberdeen City Council website and we will keep a copy of it forever.  

Your rights 

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information about all of the rights you have as well as contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think that we haven’t handled your data properly.

Our legal basis 

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this data. Wherever we process personal data we must have a legal basis in data protection law and tell you what it is. The Council understands our legal basis as part of our public task as it is our job to ask what people think about school aged childcare in Aberdeen and make plans to improve our services across the city.


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Please note, this form is anonymous, we can't reply directly to your feedback. If you would like to report an issue, make a complaint or suggestion, please Contact Us.