ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Your data: Connecting Scotland

Please make sure that you explain the following information to the person on whose behalf you are making the application so they understand how their data will be used before they agree to have their name put forward for this initiative.

What is Connecting Scotland? 

Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative being managed by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, and aims to connect 9,000 people who are considered at clinically high-risk themselves so they can access services and support and connect with friends and family during the pandemic. The first priority for Connecting Scotland is to reach people who are digitally excluded, on a low income and are at extremely high risk of severe illness from coronavirus (this is often referred to as the ‘shielding’ group). We also want to reach children and young people living in digitally excluded households where someone is at risk.

How will we use people’s data if they apply?

If your organisation puts forward your name to be considered under this initiative, Aberdeen City Council will assess whether or not people nominated meet the criteria and can be provided with a digital device and support to help them use it. We will use the information in this form to assess whether the people put forward meet the criteria, and if they do, we will make contact with them to tell them whether or not the Connecting Digital scheme can help them. We will also check our records to make sure that these people are in the ‘shielding group’ as part of this process. If someone meets the criteria and are offered a device and support to help them to use it confidently, we will keep a record of this. 

If additional devices become available through other schemes, we may also use this data to identify suitable people to receive devices and any associated training and support.

Who will we share people’s data with if they apply? 

Aberdeen City Council will share information about the people who are being supporting by the initiative with Scottish Government, and with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, who are managing the scheme on behalf of Scottish Government. Aberdeen City Council is one of a range of partner organisations helping to make this initiative happen, who will help us to identify people who may qualify for this initiative, and help you to apply for a device and support if you are happy to do so. The person who completes this application will have asked permission of the person to put their names forward and they will have explained to those people which organisation they work for, and what their role in this initiative is. 

How long will we keep  people’s data?

We will keep records of should be kept for the minimum time necessary. This is likely to be 7 years but we will take guidance from Scottish Government on how long to keep your information. 

Your Rights 

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it.  See more information about the rights you have, as well as the contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer.  You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner's Office if you think we haven’t handled your data properly. 

Our Legal Basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for this data. Wherever we process personal data we have to have a legal basis in data protection law and tell you what it is. The Council’s legal basis for this processing is that it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the Council. 


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