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Your data: Fit like? Family Wellbeing Hubs

What are the Fit like? Family Wellbeing Hubs? 

 ‘Fit like? Family Well-being Hubs are a group of services working together with children, young people and families in Aberdeen City to support their mental wellbeing. 

Aberdeen City Council has set up the Hubs so can we all work together with children and their families to offer practical and emotional support across the city from our three Hubs, which are based in Northfield, Torry and Tillydrone.

Who is in the Family Wellbeing Hub Team? 

  • Children 1st l Health (commissioned by ACC)
  • Health Visitors NHS Grampian)
  • Family Nurses (NHS Grampian) 
  • School Nurses ((NHS Grampian) 
  • CAMHS (NHS Grampian) 
  • Community Learning and Development – Family Learning, Adult Learning, Youth Work (ACC)
  • Communities Team (ACC)
  • Library & Information Services (ACC)
  • Creative Learning (ACC)
  • Social Work (ACC)
  • Education (ACC)
  • Educational Social Workers (ACC)
  • ADA Wellbeing Coaches (Drug & Alcohol Support Service) (Alcohol & Drugs Action & The Foyer – commissioned by ACC)

What can we do? 

We offer early help when it is needed and in a way that boosts your family’s strengths & helps you meet your goals. We can help with:  Family finance and benefits, Family relationships and communication,  Supporting parents to cope with daily pressures, Giving you strategies for positive emotional and mental wellbeing for you and your family and  Helping children and families talk about traumatic things that have happened.

How do we work? 

We work with you at a pace comfortable for you and your family, we will help you set your own goals and support you to achieve them. This might be individually, as a family or in a group. We will identify a key person or a team of people who can help you achieve your goals. It is important to us that you and your family feel comfortable and that you have a point of contact within the Hub team.

What information do we keep about children and families? 

Each partner working within the Hub will keep their own records of the support they provide to you and your family. The partner supporting you will keep this information on their own organisation’s system. You can ask the person supporting you to see a copy of it, and for more information about how they manage your information and how long they keep it for.

To make sure that the Hub Partners can work together effectively and provide you and your family with joined up support which is centered around the needs of you and your family, limited records are kept by ACC. As Lead Partner for the Hub, ACC will keep information about who is taking the lead in supporting you and your family, and how well the support is working for you to meet your goals.  

We do this so we can make sure you and your family get a joined-up experience from Hub partners, so we can understand how well your needs are being met by the Hub.

The fit like Family Wellbeing Hubs are a new way that the partners are trying with the aim of supporting children and their families better, so we will also use this data to understand how well this model is working to meet the needs of children and families, as well as to understand what other services or supports may be required to meet these needs.

Do you share children and family’s information?

Sharing within the Hub, with your agreement

The Wellbeing Hubs are set up to make sure partners are working together to provide the help and support children and their families need. This means that, with your agreement, we will speak to each other to make sure you get what you need. 

This will only ever involve sharing limited relevant details about you and your family, so we can work together to help you. You don’t have to agree to this, and if you are unsure or have questions, we can talk  to you, to tell you a bit more about the support and help we can offer.

Sharing to help you get additional support, with your agreement

During the process of supporting you, you and your lead worker may decide that it would be beneficial to refer or support you to access other Council services (for example, housing) or outside organisations for further help or support. To do this on your behalf will normally mean your lead worker sharing some information about you, on a need to know basis, with that service or organisation. If this is the case, this will always be discussed between you and your support worker, be done with your agreement.

Rare times we may have to share without your agreement 

There may be rare times when a partner will have to share information about you or your family without your agreement. This will only be where they are concerned that there is a risk to someone, and if this is the case, the partner will normally explain this to you so you understand why it is happening. 

Each partner has policies and procedures around data protection, information sharing, confidentiality and consent. 

Statistical information we share as part of local outcome improvement planning

Because Aberdeen City Council work in partnership with other agencies to make sure that the right supports and services are in place for children and their families, we will share anonymised information about the types of support that the hub is providing and how well this is working with out partner agencies as part of local outcome improvement planning. 

How long do you keep information?

Each partner will keep the records they make of the support they provide you and with your family with in accordance with their own organisation’s policies and procedures. You can ask the person supporting you for more information about this.

The records which are kept at Hub level are kept for five years. 

What are my data rights?

Each partner working within the hub is Data Controller for the records they make about the support they provide to you and your family. You can ask the person supporting you if you want to see a copy of any information they have about you, and for more information about all of your data rights.

Aberdeen City Council also keep some high-level data about all the children and families who the Hub are supporting, and all partners will make sure that this is kept up to date. Aberdeen City Council is data controllers for this data. We do this as lead partner for the hubs and so we can make sure that all children and families are getting the help and support they need in a way which feels joined up. We do this under the range of duties and powers relating to the provision of education and social work support services. 

You have rights to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information on all the rights you have, and how they work in practice.

You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office. They are the body responsible for making sure organisations like the Council handle your data lawfully.

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