ImportantThe Council Tax and Benefits Portal will be unavailable from 6pm 6th March-11th March due to annual processing of Council Tax bills and benefit notifications. 

Your Data: Parking, Bus Lane and Low Emission Zone Appeals

How we use your information

Aberdeen City Council uses the information collected when a Parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), Bus Lane Enforcement Charge Notice or Low Emission Zone Penalty Charge Notice (LPCN) is issued when dealing with any appeal that is submitted. Find out more about the information that is collected

Appeals against Parking Penalty Charge Notices, Bus Lane Enforcement Charge Notices and Low Emission Zone Penalty Charge Notices can be submitted by anyone including but not restricted to the driver, hirer or registered keeper of the vehicle. For Bus Lane Enforcement Charge Notices, Low Emission Zone Penalty Charge or where a Notice to Owner has been issued for a PCN, written permission may be requested from the registered keeper to enable a third party to deal with the appeal on their behalf.

Information submitted by the appellant at the time of the appeal is held by us to enable investigations to be carried out and responses to be provided. Where insufficient information has been provided we will write to the appellant to ask for this.

This information can include but is not restricted to

  • Contact details of the appellant (name, address, email address, phone number)
  • Third party names and contact details 
  • Hire agreements
  • Documentation relating to the sale/ purchase of a vehicle
  • Evidence of payment for parking sessions
  • Copies of parking permits
  • Delivery schedules or proof of loading/ unloading
  • Medical information
  • Copies of Blue Badges
  • Copies of death certificates

Who we share your information with

Where an appeal has been submitted to the Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service (Transport Appeals) we will share 

  • information about the contravention along with photos/ video of the vehicle 
  • copies of correspondence issued by us to the appellant 
  • any other information relating to the appeal which is required by them

How long we keep your information for

Once a decision has been reached on your appeal all information is held by us for a period of 5 years.

Your rights 

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it. See more information about all of the rights you have and how they work in practice, as well as contact details for the Councils data protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you think we haven’t handled your data properly. 

Our legal basis

Aberdeen City Council is the Data Controller for the information collected. Wherever we process personal information we have to make sure we have a basis for doing so in Data Protection Law.  We understand our basis for enforcing penalty charges in relation to parking controls as part of our parking tasks and duties. We undertake this activity as part of our public task as a local authority to provide on and off street parking enforcement and as a legal obligation under the Road Traffic Act 1991, as modified by the Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (Aberdeen City Council) Designation Order 2003 as amended, The Bus Lane Contraventions (Charges, Adjudication and Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2011, The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 and the Low Emission Zones (Emission Standards, Exemptions and Enforcement) (Scotland) Regulations 2021.

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