Your data: taxi or private hire driver licence grant or renewal

How we use your information

Aberdeen City Council, as the Licensing Authority, collects and records the personal information you provide in this form along with supporting documentation in order to process and determine your licence application.

In processing and determining your application, the Council, as Licensing Authority, will share the information you have provided with (1) the Chief Constable, Police Scotland (2) if any medical condition is disclosed in the application or if you are over 65 years old, the Council’s Occupation Health Consultants (3) HM Home Office – UK Visas and Immigration to confirm your right to work in the UK as a taxi or private hire car driver and (4) the members of the Licensing Committee when they require to determine your application.

If your application requires to be considered at a meeting of the Licensing Committee or its Sub-Committee an agenda will be prepared for the hearing of your application. In order to publish the agenda for the meeting the relevant information provided on your application is uploaded to an electronic committee management system.

We are required to display your application on a public register. The register will show your name, address, dated of receipt of your application and the final decision. It will also note the type and terms of the licence granted. It will subsequently show any suspension, revocation, variation or surrender of the licence. The register is open to inspection by members of the public.

The Council doesn’t share the information you’ve provided with any other third parties, unless we’re authorised or required to do so by law which may include HMRC.

Sharing with The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland

The Council is obliged to participate in the National Fraud Initiative in Scotland and in terms of this passes information to Audit Scotland for data matching to detect fraud or possible fraud. You can find details of this exercise on Audit Scotland’s website.

How long we keep your information for

If your application for a taxi driver’s or private hire car driver’s licence is granted, the application form and related documents (including copy passports and immigration documents, copy driving licences or DVLA Records, and Knowledge Tests) are retained by the Council’s Licensing Team for a period of two years, from the date this licence expires. If your application is withdrawn or refused the application form and related documents will be retained for a period of two years from the date of withdrawal or refusal.

In the event your application is considered by the Licensing Committee, the Committee meeting agenda, minutes and accompanying papers including limited details of your application, provided it was not deemed confidential, will be published on the Council’s website indefinitely. If the Committee has deemed your application confidential and considered it in private, the minute will be anonymised.

Your Rights

You have rights in relation to your data, including the right to ask for a copy of it.See more information about your right and how these work in practice as well as contact details for the Council’s Data Protection Officer. You also have the right to make a complaint to theInformation Commissioner's Office if you think we haven’t handled your data properly.

Our legal basis

Wherever the Council processes personal data, we need to make sure we have a legal basis for doing so in data protection law. The Council understands our legal bases for processing personal data in relation to your application for a licence as being part of our public task in that the Council is exercising its official authority under Parts 1 and 2 and Schedule 1 of the Civic (Government) (Scotland) Act 1982 and as such requires to process some information which is classified as special category under GPDR for reasons of substantial public interest.

The Council has a legal obligation under Part 2A of the Public Finance and Accountability (Scotland) Act 2000, to provide Audit Scotland with data to carry out data matching exercises for the purpose of assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud.

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