About your rent

Aberdeen City Council offers a wide range of rent payment options:

  • Direct Debit - You can choose the most suitable date for the Direct Debit to come off your bank account. Align it to your main income date to ensure your rent is paid. Any dates from 1st to 28th pf the month can be used for monthly payments and any working day Monday to Friday for weekly payments. You can also choose to make fortnightly or 4-weekly payments if that better matches your income. Direct Debits can be set up over the phone or a written mandate form can be found below under 'Related Documents'. 
  • Aberdeen City Council website - pay securely using the Online Payment Facility. Payment can be made using either debit or credit card. 
  • Automated Telephone Payment Line – call 03000 200 292 and follow the step by step instructions. You will need your 8-digit payment reference number and your credit/debit card details to complete a successful transaction. 
  • Payment Card – payment can be made by using your rent payment card at any Post Office or shop displaying the 'PayPoint' logo. There are over 100 locations in Aberdeen. Find your nearest PayPoint. You can order a new or replacement repayment card below. 
  • Online bank Transfer or Bank Standing Order - you will need your 8-digit payment reference number and our House Rent bank account: Sort Code 82-60-11, Account Number 40009032 Virgin Money, 1 Queens Cross, Aberdeen. 

At a meeting of Full Council on 12 December 2024, Elected Members agreed next year's rent increase of 7.5%, which will take effect from 7 April 2025. You will be notified in writing of the outcome, including what your new rent charge will be, in early March 2025.

The Council’s rent arrears recovery letters provide tenants in debt with comprehensive advice around their rent and explains what support and advice is available including direct contact, plus details of what future recovery steps will look like.  

Many of these arrears letters are hand delivered by a Housing and Support Officer or Sheriff Officer, giving a further opportunity to answer questions and direct tenants in debt towards support and advice. 

Where a tenant is experiencing financial problems they should contact their Housing and Support Officer immediately. Information supplied will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Wherever possible, a mutually acceptable repayment plan will be agreed and recorded. Our staff can also provide benefits advice, including eligibility for Housing Benefit and access to welfare benefits such as Universal Credit

There are a number of other Council services and agencies which can also help you. These services and agencies will listen to your concerns and if necessary liaise directly with the Council on your behalf to attempt to reach a solution. 

If you have a low income and/or receive certain state benefits you may qualify for financial assistance to help pay your rent. Housing Benefit and Universal Credit are both rebate schemes that can help people to pay all, or part of, their rent. Anyone can apply. 

Your eligibility for financial assistance is worked out by comparing your income and your family circumstances against your rent charges. If you have savings, you can still qualify for help.

Do not delay in applying as neither Housing Benefit nor Universal Credit can normally be backdated. Further advice and assistance is available from your Housing and Support Officer or online via our website. 

Here are some common question and answers about rent. 

Yes, it is a condition of your tenancy that you pay rent in advance. However, if you are dissatisfied with how the service have managed your repair and you believe the only course of action left is to withhold your rent until the outstanding matters are resolved, then there is a formal process you can follow. You should advise your Locality Manager in writing of your intention to withhold rent payments, explaining exactly what the remaining issue is. You are also required to hold funds equivalent to the unpaid rent in a bank account ready for immediate payment following resolution. 

Yes you will need a new direct debit form because your rent account number will have changed. We will give you another form when you sign your new tenancy agreement.

Each year, we decide on the level of rent by taking into account the costs associated with providing the housing service together with the investment required in our housing stock (the properties that we own need to be maintained and upgraded).

Contact your Housing and Support Officer who will arrange for a new card to be sent out to you. Alternatively, you can order a new card online using the link below.

The rent on a council property cover such things as repairs through wear and tear, keeping the property wind and watertight, improvements to the house from time to time, the services of your local council services office, buildings insurance, warden services and care and maintenance of communal areas.

Your rent does not cover fixing any damage you have done to the property (if we have to do this, we will charge you for it), re-decorating the inside of the house, council tax, insurance for the contents of the property, including your belongings, white goods, furniture, etc; phone, heating and other utility bills, maintenance of your garden (if you have one).

A large amount of your rent goes into repairing and upgrading tenants' homes. If you fail to pay your rent, we can't do as much as we'd like to do for you and our other tenants. You may also be at risk of being taken to court and evicted from your home if you fall into arrears and do not pay. If you purposely do not pay your rent and you are evicted, we will not make you another offer of permanent housing.

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