Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) penalty charge notice statistics

Below are statistics for the city's low emission zone (LEZ) penalty charge notices (PCN) issued. These statistics show the number of PCN's that were issued. Please note, the figures are the number of PCN's rather than the number of vehicles caught, and can take several weeks before the PCN is issued. These statistics are published every month and previous months will be available to view. 


MonthPCN 1 (£60)PCN 2 (£120)PCN 3 (£240)PCN 4 (£480)PCN 5 (£960)
June 202433873184600
July 202428535232059975
August 202430125141548594
September 20242648480219112249
October 2024176030415396259
November 2024198932412879304


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