Top Tasks
School life
- Starting Primary 1 in Aberdeen City
- View school meals menu
- School meals
- Anti-bullying policy
- Education maintenance allowance
- Apply for free school meals and School Clothing Grant
- Get involved in your child's learning
- Parent Councils
- School Transport
- Life Not Knife campaign
- Gaelic medium education/Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig
- Music tuition
- Children Missing From School
- School Transport - General Information
- Apply for a School ELC/Nursery place 2024/2025
- Family Information Service directory
- Early learning and Childcare (ELC)
- Become a Funded Provider
- Pay for out of school childcare
- Early Learning and Childcare Eligible 2 Application Process
- Gaelic in the early years/Gàidhlig anns na Tràth Ìrean
- The Scottish Milk & Healthy Snack Scheme
- The Milk and Healthy Snack Scheme (Scotland) - Annex A