Dunedin Consort: The Quality of Mercy - BSL Interpreted


Nicholas Mulroy leads Scotland’s only professional choir through music that invites contemplation and reflection in four of Scotland’s most beautiful acoustics. The season of Lent, a time of penitence for Christians leading up to Easter, has inspired composers over the centuries to write some of their most beautiful and heartrending music. In this programme, you’ll hear connections between renaissance polyphony, Francis Poulenc, and Cheryl Frances-Hoad. 

This performance is presented with British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation throughout and the BSL Interpreter will be facing the audience on the left of the stage. This performance is unreserved seating, but if you are attending to see the BSL Interpreter please email AAGMEvents@aberdeencity.gov.uk and a seat will be reserved for you.

Nicholas Mulroy, director

Paul Whittaker, BSL Interpreter