Joseph Long plays Mozart - Part 3


Virtual Lunchbreak Concert

Tune in for the third concert in Joseph Long’s Mozart sonata series, when the virtuoso pianist plays two pieces which are full of playfulness and lively energy - K.283 in G and K.311 in D. 

Joseph explains: “K.283 is perhaps the most popular of the early set of six sonatas Mozart composed in Munich around 1774-75. Mozart described these works as ‘difficult’. Although many feel that he was talking about the intricacies of performing the works in a delicate and refined manner, the last movement of this sonata, with its fiery development section, shows that the composer was capable of including music full of strong dynamism as well.” 

“K.311 was written around the time Mozart was visiting Mannheim in 1777. It's a very jovial, good-humoured work, and is also rather orchestral in style, with different registers of the piano often alternating with each other in blocks of sound. All three movements are replete with inventiveness and wit.”