The Private Sector Housing Unit provide advice on the availability of scheme of assistance grants. We also administer the process of approving grant applications and making payment of grants.
Adaptations for people with disabilities
A grant at a minimum of 80% of eligible costs may be available to adapt an existing private house to meet the needs of an occupant who is disabled. A grant of 100% may be available if you receive certain benefits.
If you would like to apply for a grant, please complete a referral form for the Bon Accord Care Occupational Therapy Service so that your personal requirements can be assessed. The form is available on the Bon Accord Care web page or by using the Bon Accord Care form.
If you would like more information about the grant itself, please contact the Private Sector Housing Unit. Please see the bottom of this page for contact details.
Council and housing association tenants may also be offered help through a different financial arrangement. Please contact the Duty Occupational Therapist using the contact details above.
The Scottish Government have published a leaflet aimed at disabled people living in private housing in Scotland. The leaflet summarises the changes to the system of financial assistance: