Breaktime Boogie


Missing a spin on the dancefloor? Liven up your day with this classic music mix and let DJ Nina get you dancing your cares away, direct from her kitchen! 

A DJ for over 8 years, Nina Stanger is a regular on the Scottish nightclub and festival circuit. With a focus on creating dancefloor energy, she plays a wide and varied selection of sounds, from underground dance oddities to classic pop. As an avid record digger, her crates are not limited to one style, time or audience.  

When not DJing she is studying or working as a freelance artist and designer. Her work explores sensory experience through digital animation, sound and sculpture. As part of her Masters studies at RGU she is currently planning some local creative events that will take place post lockdown. 

Tickets are free but booking is essential. 
The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams.

Please download the Microsoft Teams app in advance and we'll send you a joining link ahead of the event: