Pop Up Music: Aberdeen Chamber Music Concerts - Musicians in Residence Weekend


We are delighted to welcome Aberdeen Chamber Music Concerts to Aberdeen Art Gallery for a free pop up concert as part of Musicians in Residence Weekend.

Ulla-Riikka Kuisma (cello) and Francis Moore-Colyer (violin) will play a varied concert including Beethoven, Vivaldi and Haydn followed by a selection of tangos, film themes, Finnish folk music and top tapping Scottish favourites!

Join us in Gallery 8 to enjoy or simply enjoy while browsing the gallery. Please note this is not a seated concert.

Aberdeen Chamber Music Concerts would like to thank Chamber Music Scotland for their support of the Musicians in Residence weekend, through funding from Creative Scotland.



L. van Beethoven: Duet for clarinet and bassoon in C major WoO27, No 1 - Allegro commodo - Larghetto sostenuto - Rondo Allegretto

A. Vivaldi: Sonata for violin and continuo in d minor Op. 2, No 3 - Preludio - Corrente - Adagio - Giga

J. Haydn: Duet for violin and cello in D major Hob VI:D1 - Poco Adagio - Tempo di Menuetto - Allegro


Ulla-Riikka Kuisma
Ulla-Riikka grew up surrounded by all kinds of everyday music making. The cello became her main instrument from the age of 5. She studied cello playing and music pedagogy in Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences, Finland (2003-2007) where her love for chamber music was ignited. She carried on solo performance studies at Liszt Academy, Hungary and at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, from where she graduated with an MMus degree in 2009. From 2009-2011, she continued her specialist solo studies at Tampere University of Applied Sciences.    Whilst classically trained, Ulla-Riikka enjoys exploring music in many styles and formats: singing in choirs, playing in specialist baroque ensembles, Finnish folk music, improvisation, contemporary art music, indie rock, and more. She is an active performer with various chamber music and orchestral groups. Ulla-Riikka also has a strong passion for teaching music, and she has extended her skills and abilities as a teacher with various specialist courses in this area.

Francis Moore-Colyer
In years gone by Francis spent many hours with a violin under his chin. He then went on to study music at King's College London and The Royal Academy of Music. Through extensive experience in orchestral playing and in chamber music settings and through playing in numerous bands in recent years - at barn dances, in cinemas, aircraft hangers, muddy fields, on theatre stages, and at a variety of smoky clubs across his known world - as well as busking in the snowy streets of Chamonix and jamming over DJ sets Francis has come to love all types of music and improvisation. Now living in Scotland, Francis has a great interest in traditional music and putting modern twists on almost anything. Francis believes that live music is one of the greatest things in life. He now wants everyone to share this love of music and that's why he loves teaching and performing.