Taxi licence

Aberdeen City Council requires all vehicles operating as a taxi to be licensed. Drivers of these vehicles also require to hold a separate taxi driver's licence.

The Licensing Committee has set a limit on the number of taxi licences in Aberdeen. The limit is set at 1079. Anyone wishing to apply for a taxi licence will require to register their interest in writing using the Form of Registration of Interest and should refer to the Guidance Note - Applications for the Grant of Taxi Licences.

Taxis bears a numbered identification plate at the rear. The majority of these rear plates are yellow and are for City zoned taxis. About 147 vehicles bear a green plate and are airport zoned taxis.

Taxis can be hailed on the street or at taxi ranks. They can also be pre-booked.

All taxis and most private hire cars carry calibrated taximeters and the maximum fare that can be charged for a journey within Aberdeen is set out in the Taxi Fare Tariff set by the Licensing Committee. A copy of the Tariff is available in each vehicle for the information of the travelling public.

Fares are calculated using a calibrated meter according to the City of Aberdeen approved tariff.  PHCs with a meter may charge less than the approved fare table indicates. For taxi journeys outside of Aberdeen, or PHCs without a meter, the fare must be negotiated before the journey commences.

Vehicles for approval as wheelchair accessible (WAV) need to be examined against our specification at the taxi depot (details below). Applicants should download the application form and guidance notes, complete the form and send to the taxi depot with the fee and appropriate documentation. An appointment will then be given for the vehicle to be examined.

All taxis must be driven by licensed drivers.

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